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Oliver Morsch

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Everything posted by Oliver Morsch

  1. Make it like wilton_rad explained. I do the same.
  2. You can only initiate a download. File save dialog depends on browser setting. In Chrome there is no option for this, other browsers have it.
  3. You need websockets or long polling or ...
  4. Make a Field / Property in TUniMainModule class.
  5. I would use numeric or decimal data type for such a value.
  6. Use http://www.example.com?id=12345and then UniApplication.Parameters.Values['id'];
  7. "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is for XHR. If you use subdomains you can use <script>document.domain = 'example.com'</script> for sub1.example.com and sub2.example.com. See here. And here are additional informations: https://benohead.com/cross-document-communication-with-iframes/
  8. UniUrlFrame uses an iFrame. And the browser prevents accessing an iframe, when it conflicts with the "same origin policy". This is for security in web (XSS, ...). So you can't get the html code.
  9. AFAIR I use long polling in this project: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5763-messagescreen-blocking-message-and-inputdialogs-and-live-statusmessages-with-abort-option/
  10. You can integrate long polling in an uniGUI app. No need for an extra server.
  11. Instead of polling every second you can use long polling, web sockets, ...
  12. You can only use file upload to show client files. You get no access to file system of client.
  13. Only possible solution is "multiple file select". https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1593225/how-to-select-multiple-files-with-input-type-file You must integrate this in uniGUI - if possible.
  14. Use the windows explorer to drag & drop the files into the blue area. http://fmprime.com/ipbuploads/monthly_02_2013/post-147-0-05956800-1359728114.png
  15. If it is a console app you can use CreateProcess. Or see here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3529-webcmd-start-a-command-line-console-app-in-browser-interactive/?fromsearch=1
  16. For the answer see #2. You must edit the DataSet.
  17. You must use UniDataModules, not normal DataModules.
  18. I think you have to check on server side if the file was uploaded before (is already in the upload folder). Or you must develop and install a client software.
  19. Do you have database components on ServerModule? That is the wrong place...
  20. You can use port 80 (if not in use), then you need no port by accessing.
  21. You get no access to client files. What if any website could delete your files? Why do you need that? Maybe there is another way. procedure TMainForm.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var DestName : string; DestFolder : string; begin DestFolder := UniServerModule.StartPath + 'UploadFolder\'; DestName := DestFolder + ExtractFileName(UniFileUpload1.FileName); CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); ShowMessage('File ' + UniFileUpload1.FileName + ' Uploaded to folder ' + DestFolder); end;
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