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Everything posted by robinhodemorais

  1. can you help me with an example? can we use this framework directly on unigui, without having to create another service for the api? Wouldn't these features of the onHttpDocument and onHttpCommand unigui be for that?
  2. Hello, in unigui I have how to create an api? For example, I needed to send a post to an api in unigui in json, when the third party application send unigui will handle that json. how can i do it, researched it and found it a little choppy about OnHTTPDocument, but nothing concrete, can someone help me?
  3. please, is there a solution to this problem? unigui mobile do we have any resources to replace this? do we have push? I need a return if we have a solution or not, please.
  4. sim estou usando e funcionou perfeitamente, só ainda não consegui ativar com o https
  5. I would like to run a report query already bring automation of sorting by value or by quantity
  6. good night, administrators have any solution for this situation?
  7. I am creating a view with a dynamic grid where the user will choose whether the result is ordered by value or value, but even if it is not ordered by sql or result it is not ordering by value or quantity, only when the result is clicked in the value or quantity column it orders, so there is no dynamic grid when the checkbox is marked as ordered in the quantity column and when it is value, in the value column
  8. do you know if these features don't really work on mobile? if not, how can I push?
  9. I am creating a floating button in a TUnimForm, but I would like it to show results only ... so apply the code without the tabpanel extension, when you focus on showing, but showing yourself on another one ... how to do to adjust this? I used this example found here on the forum to create a button 1. UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: #back-to-top { position: fixed; bottom: 40px; right: 40px; z-index: 9999; width: 32px; height: 32px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background: #f5f5f5; color: #444; cursor: pointer; border: 0; border-radius: 2px; text-decoration: none; transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; opacity: 0; } #back-to-top:hover { background: #af286d; color: white; } #back-to-top.show { opacity: 1; } 2. MainmForm -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> window.painted fn: function window.painted(sender, eOpts) { var me = this; var aTopEl = new Ext.Element(document.createElement('a')); aTopEl.setId("back-to-top"); aTopEl.setHtml("+"); aTopEl.dom.title = "Back to top"; document.body.appendChild(aTopEl.dom); $('#back-to-top').addClass('show'); $('#back-to-top').show(); $('#back-to-top').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //ajaxRequest(me, ...) alert('Your custom logic...') }); }
  10. I'm trying to use socket.io on unigui mobile, but it is not working, I would like some help, attached the source of an example with video, showing how to start the socket. The application was opened in 2 different tabs on the web to show that they communicate and the application was also opened in chrome on the desktop, switching to mobile where it worked, however opening the application in chrome on the phone does not work, the phone was mirrored on the computer to understanding.... Gravar_2020_02_12_10_40_17_623.mp4 HibridoSocket.rar
  11. yes clear in parts .... didn't work on the phone, I'll open another post with an example to help me
  12. I was able to use only WebForm.JSName the name is mfrmCliProFilaAtendimento
  13. where do i find the unimform jsname? I want to see if socket.io will work on mobile use formregion with the uniframe
  14. Good night, I know you are very busy, but I need help, because I have a demand that I am not able to meet with the unigui, which for me is very bad since I am not able to do it and the client is requesting this result urgently . I really need somehow to be able to show a more dynamic result, to be able to manipulate a pivotgrid from devexpress, I don't care about dragging a column, my need is to show the results, to have a percentage column, however when opening a certain level the calculation of these results has to be different, I tried to use treegrid with several selects with union creating a totalizer, but the fact that the information doesn’t stay right in the detail line, being necessary to open the level is not usually good because it has a lot of information. I would like help with this solution, please!
  15. Someone managed to mount something similar on PivoGrid, because I have some demands here and this guy would fit like a glove.
  16. I have an error here attached, a test demo uniguiImage.rar
  17. I'm creating an image in progress and I would like to add a css that I created in it too, but there is an error when adding the css dsName: = UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath + '/ odontogram /' + txCamImagem.Text; dsNameComp: = StringReplace (StringReplace (txCamImagem.Text, '. png', '', [rfReplaceAll]), '_', '', [rfReplaceAll]); with TUniImage.Create (Self) as TUniImage start if txX.Text <> '' then Left: = StrToInt (txX.Text) left most: = 26; if txY.Text <> '' then Top: = StrToInt (txY.Text) else Top: = 60; Father: = pnOdontogram; Transparent: = true; Name: = dsNameComp; Draggable.Enabled: = True; Cursor: = crDrag; OnEndDrag: = AnyComponentsEndDrag; Picture.LoadFromFile (dsName); end; // the error occurs here UniSession.AddJS ('$ (' '#' + TUniImage (FindComponent ('dsNameComp')). JSId + '' '). AddClass (' 'notStarted' ')'); css .naoInitiado { filter: brightness (0.5) sepia (1) saturate (5) hue-rotate (160deg); } error First chance exception at $007AF8C0. Exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x007af8c0: read of address 0x00000444'.
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