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Everything posted by robinhodemorais

  1. I set up that way ... but giving error Access violation at address 007E2DE8 in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of address 00000064 procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPDocument ( const Document: string; const InParams: TStrings; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); begin if ARequestInfo.URI = '/test' then begin MainForm.WebForm.JSInterface.JSCode ('ajaxRequest (MainForm.window, "message", ["edit = teste"]);'); end; end;
  2. tried this way, but the error when applying JS ScriptJS: = 'ajaxRequest (MainForm.window, "message", ["edit = msg"]);'; UniSession.AddJS (ScriptJS);
  3. Oops, I'm sorry, I was forming the idea better, come on, I'm receiving information through the UniGUIServerModuleHTTPDocument and when I receive this information, my idea now is different from this ajax event in the main form, so use the same idea, so the main form doesn't have JSInterface, how to do?
  4. perfect, just one more detail, can i apply this code in a procedure? not push the button, but a trigger procedure?
  5. I am using IdHTTPServer to receive an external data, it is working correctly, but it is displaying the data in a memo and this data does not show any memo, if you click on any memo and press enter the loading or data correctly, try an update on the memo , but it didn't work ... is there anything you can do? did it this way in the CommandGet of idhttpserver Stream := ARequestInfo.PostStream; if assigned(Stream) then begin Stream.Position := 0; post := ReadStringFromStream(Stream); jsonObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(post),0) as TJSONObject; mLog.Lines.Add(DateTimeToStr(now)); mLog.Lines.Add(DateTimeToStr(now)+' Conectado ?' + jsonObj.GetValue('conectado').Value ); end; Record_2020_07_15_11_29_51_32.mp4
  6. in Unit1 I added an event without clicking the button, passing ajaxRequest or MainForm, so without MainForm's ajaxEvent event I wanted to capture this message from Unit1. Attached or demo. AjaxEvent.rar
  7. Hello, can I get a screen to fire an ajaxevent to another screen? For example user A is on the frmProcessos screen, I want to click on a button to fire an ajaxevent on the MainForm screen or another specific screen, example frmProcessosAndamento, is there such a possibility? if so, how?
  8. Unigui has a component that it uses to export the pivotgrid and the method is the same as that of the grid, check the demo.
  9. Farshad tested and approved, some components do not show the linux platform to add to the project, but realize that add or component with a windows platform and switch to linux, compile and run a custom test application.
  10. Thank you very much Farshad, congratulations and success to Unigui.
  11. Thank you, solve my problem, do you have a correction forecast?
  12. TabBar is not invisible with version 1534, after the update, even checking or TabBarVisible from TUnimmTabPanel, and it is not becoming invisible.
  13. How to automatically add or size an unimdbgrid column, try this code below, but it is giving an error unimdbgrid1.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.columnManager.columns.forEach(function(col){col.autoSize()});');
  14. damn sorry, I accessed the forum through chrome mobile and it also happens, thanks for the feedback
  15. In ServerModule in CustomMeta, place the code <meta name = "theme-color" content = "# e83237"> so that the entire status bar of the cell phone is the configured color, but will be used when you type something in edit mode, it will lose this setting, see no video ... attached or an example of how the same situation occurs. DemoMobile.rar
  16. perfect thank you. MainForm.Script: Ext.form.field.Date.prototype.altFormats="dmY|d/m/Y|j/n/Y|j/n/y|j/m/y|d/m/y|j/m/Y|d/n/Y|d-m-y|d-m-Y|d/m|d-m|dm|dmy|dmY|d|d-m-Y|j-n|j/n";
  17. perfect, I made some adjustments according to my standard and it worked correctly ... function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.altFormats="dmY|d/m/Y|j/n/Y|j/n/y|j/m/y|d/m/y|j/m/Y|d/n/Y|d-m-y|d-m-Y|d/m|d-m|dm|dmy|dmY|d|d-m-Y|j-n|j/n"; } however, I have to do this for each datetimepicker I have on the system, can I do it in a way that replicates for everyone?
  18. I realized that by default in the unidatetimepicker when you type the day it completes with the month and current year, when you type the day and month it fills the year, this without having to inform the bar, however for the brazil pattern when you type the day and month it does not fill in correctly, for example, if you type 0806 and type tab, it fills 08/06/2020, how do I make it fill correctly according to the Brazilian standard? DateFormat is configured this way: dd / MM / yyyy
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