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Everything posted by alasoft

  1. Doesn't the UniGUI application have to manage in some way the 'certificates' ? Greetings Rober
  2. Por si no quedo claro de la respuesta anterior .. la Isapi (la aplicacion.dll y la carpeta de la ext-js (ext-3.4.0, asi se deberia llamar) deben estar ambas abajo de wwwroot (o sea adentro de esa carpeta, NO en el mismo nivel) Saludos Rober
  3. ¿Dónde tengo que poner mi dll y la carpeta del extjs? [wwwroot] miaplicacion.dll [ext-3.4.0] ¿Tengo que solicitarle al staff del hosting que le den permiso de ejecución o ya las carpetas tienen ese permiso? Deciles el nombre de la Isapi (miaplicacion.dll o lo que sea) .. y pediles que la .dll se ejecute en un 'pool de aplicaciones independiente' (muy importante) Saludos Cualquier cosa me preguntas !! Rober
  4. I have tried that before .. I couldn't .. so I use TUniFrame inside TUniTabSheet. Rober
  5. Hola ! .. si claro .. pero que tienes que configurar ? .. En realidad 'ellos' tienen que configurar la Isapi de modo de ejecutar normalmente bajo IIS. Por favor, pregunta lo que quieras. Atentamente Rober
  6. Thanks !! .. Now .. I've mailed a .docx document, then open it (preview, without downloading) in Chrome. How is that possible ? Rober
  7. I'll try .. thanks !!! Rober
  8. Is it possible to show some Word Document (or Excel document) in a UniGUI Frame ?? .. How ? .. Please help !! .. :-) Thanks ! Rober
  9. Estimado .. la .dll es un modulo Isapi, que entiendo corre 'solo' en Windows (bajo IIS o Apache. De hecho localmente pruebo bajo Apache y la misma Isapi luego la publico bajo IIS en un servidor remoto) .. Pero NO es compatible con Linux. Atentamente Rober
  10. It looks great !!!! Congratulations ! Rober
  11. type TForm2 = class; TForm1 = class private oForm2: TForm2; end; TCallBack = procedure of object; TForm2 = class private pCallBack: TCallBack; public procedure ReadModal(const pCallBackPar: TCallBack) end; TForm1.CallForm2; begin if oForm2=nil then oForm2:=TForm2.Create(UniApplication); oForm2.ReadModal(Form2CallBack); end; . . TForm2.Form2CallBack; begin try with oForm2 do // whatever .. for example assign some value in Form2 to Form1. finally oForm2:=nil; // essential to ensure oForm2 doesn't hold a loose pointer !! end; end; . . TForm2.ReadModal(const pCallBackPar: TCallBack); begin pCallBack:=pCallBackPar; ShowModal; end; TForm2.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if Assigned(pCallBack) then pCallBack; // HERE you call the call back .. if it's previously assigned. // The callback is executed .. AFTER THAT TForm2 instance is destroyed !!! (free on close action) end; Instead of procedure of object (classic way) you can use 'anonymous methods' .. but the 'concept' is imho exactly the same. Regards Rober
  12. If somebody can guide me about this: How to check how many users are connected to some UniGUI Application (can I check user IP ?) How to reject 'one more' connection (for example to allow up to say .. 100 connections, but no more) When a 'session timeout' happens .. does fire some event ? (to control 'abnormal' exit) It's possible to redirect some incoming connection from one UniGUI Application to another ? I humbly request some guidance (while I'll trying to answer some of these by myself, of course :-)) .. thanks !! Rober
  13. UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.Grid.getView().focusRow('+IntToStr(Query.RecNo-1)+')'); Here 'MainForm' or .. 'Grid' are just the names of components as you named it in plain Delphi, but it seems that ExtJS take exactly those names to operate over it's ExtJS counterpart. Put it simply, use the names you use in Delphi ('Form' or 'MyForm' or whatever) Regards Rober
  14. alasoft


    I'm looking the 'details' .. seems very convenient. Thanks for this. Rober
  15. As I said .. is possible to replace the 'standard' dialog with one custom made ? Thanks !! Rober
  16. Probably .. the Form wich cause 'trouble' (the second Form) was created 'before' (autocreated maybe) the first one. Suggestion: check in the Project source if that second Form, is autocreated. Regards Rober
  17. Thanks Farjad !! .. I'll will explore this. By the way .. congratulation for your new .9 version ! Rober
  18. 1. Scalability 2. List Box with checks 3. Collapsable Panels I'm absolutely afraid of item number 1 (maybe own ignorance) .. what will happen IF some application conceives the attention of say 50/100 thousend users ? (that is perfectly possible from what I'm seeing right now). Will UniGUI in it's statefull mode, handle concurrency well ? .. and, it this times arrive, how to handle this ? Thanks ! Rober
  19. I seems beautiful ! .. congratulations ! Rober
  20. Thanks !! ... In fact is a small application. Rober
  21. Thanks !!! .. I'll guive a try. Greetings Rober
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