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Everything posted by alasoft

  1. Hi everybody .. Apologyze if this topic has been discussed before .. but I didn' find it in the forum. The question is: How I enable/disable specific columns editing in TUniDbGrid (ie: I want the user can only edit columns 3 and 5, for example but NOT columns 1, 2 and 4) Thanks everybody ! Rober
  2. Erich .. I cannot resist being curious, 'how' did you make such beautiful interfce ? Thanks ! PD: By the way, 'my' - very classic - interface, in http://alasoft.com.ar/bibliotecas.dll (user:password = alasoft:demo)
  3. Maybe you'll like what you see in http://alasoft.com.ar/cv.dll and http://alasoft.com.ar/bibliotecas.dll (user:password > alasoft:demo) If so, please first contact me at robertoalaluf@gmail.com robertoalaluf@hotmail.com I have 'no' experience in JS .. so, please take that in account. Greetings Rober
  4. Estimado .. Use una biblioteca de tercer parte .. tan simple como eso. No recuerdo ahora cual .. pero estan dando vueltas por ahi en Internet :-) Saludos Rober
  5. Thanks a lot both of you ! .. I will try your samples assp. I'm in fault with some .. 'conceptual understanding' of those 'ajax + js events' .. it seems that not 'everything' is solved within Delphi in this wonderful framewor - I mean UniGUI, of course - Greetings Rober
  6. Pardon my ignorance .. :-) But if I create a TUniLabel at runtime over a TUniForm like this: TMyForm.OnCreate(Sender: TObject); var oMyLabel: TUniLabel; begin oMyLabel:=TUniLabel.Create(Self); with oMyLabel do begin Parent:=Self; Caption:='Hi World; Top:=10; Left:=10; AutoSize:=True; end; end; The control displasy fine .. but, while the Height property was setted .. that does not happen with the Width property, wich remains in 0 (zero) I need to 'calculate' somehow the width - in pixels - of that label created like the sample, in runtime, depending on the Caption property. Help !! :-) Thanks Rober
  7. Apparently solved .. It's a 'pure Delphi stuff' problem .. Anyway, thanks !
  8. I made a very simple package (test-case) .. with unit uPrueba; interface uses UniButton; type TPrueba = class(TUniButton) end; implementation end. And .. unit cRegistra; interface procedure Register; implementation uses Classes, uPrueba; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('AlaSoft Prueba',[TPrueba]); end; end. When then I tried to 'make' the project (compile it) .. In .. unit seCSSParser; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs; Doesnt' find Dialogs, so I changed to Vcl.Dialogs and compiled the project. Then I tried to 'Install' and .. Cannot load package 'uIndy17'. It contains unit 'uIdResourcesStringsProtocols', wich is also contained in Package 'Prueba' Any idea, about what's going on here ?? Thanks !! Rober
  9. alasoft


    Saludos a todos ! Rober de Argentina.
  10. Hi .. please consider my profile as exposed in my CV in alasoft.com.ar/cv.dll Also .. check out thi simple library application on the web http://alasoft.com.ar/bibliotecas.dll Both made, some time ago entirely in Delphi + UniGUI Greetings PD: Application's language is spanish .. sorry, I really had no time to make them multi-language, but still I beleive they are valid samples. Rober
  11. Sorry .. I didn't get you question .. please explain again ! .. thanks ! By the way, if you 'click' the exclamation mark button (over the toolbar) then you could see same source sample of this application. Regards Rober
  12. I'm hosting in .. http://www.argentina-hosting.com.ar/ It's a very cheap place .. but stable and custom service is really fine. Besides, they host ISAPI's .. no problem at all Rober
  13. Please follow the samples provides by Farshad ... I'll will try to guive my own anyway. Rober
  14. Hi !! .. Please, let me explain imho the 'call back 'concept'. Thank you ! The concept behind 'call back functions' is in fact very simple .. but .. very different compared with the 'classic' way. Consider this: TForm.ButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject) begin . with TLogginDialog.Create(nil) do try ShowModal() // Here is the problem !! finally Free; end; . end; Why is there a problem with ShowModal() ? .. because you normally expect the 'modal behaviour' .. TLogginDialog instance will 'wait' until the operator close the form (apparently 'waiting' in modal state) then the flow of logic will return .. and ... 'finally' the instance will be destroyed (finally free) But that will not happen What actually will happen is .. the instance will be created .. then showed .. and the logic will return inmediatly !! .. so, inmediatly destroying the instance just created (excuting, 'finally free') That of course, will probably lead to some kind of error .. Why this happens ? Because the TLogginDialog instanciated continues running in another thread .. The point here, is that the caller Form (TForm) .. cannot know 'when' the called Form (TLogginDialog) will 'stop' (in the actual sample, that will happen when the operator close the form) But the called Form does know when it ends Because as any Form, has it's own 'OnClose' event .. (probably this event has a 'flag' TCloseAction=caFree, so after its close, will be free .. check out this !) So the 'idea' here is to 'invert the logic' .. instead of the caller Form knowing whe the called Form returns (in fact cannot know) the called Form, 'informs' the caller when it stops. So: TCallerForm <calls> TCalledForm .. TCalledForm <informs 'something'> TCallerForm How to do this ? To put it simply, the caller, call the 'other' form .. passing some 'special parameter .. wich in fact is a pointer to a function .. TForm.ButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject) begin oLoginDialog:=LoginDialog.Create(LoginDialogCallBack); oLoginDialog.ShowModal(); end; TForm.LoginDialogCallBack; begin if oLoginDialog.LogginOkey then . . end; And .. in the OnClose event of the TLoginDialog .. TLoginDialog.OnClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if Assigned(pCallBack) then pCallBack; end; (Attention ! .. after the TLoginDialog.OnClose .. the TLogginDialog instance will probably be destroyed !) And that's it ! Regards Rober
  15. This was the first application I made using UniGUI. Thanks this, I get a fine job ! http://www.alasoft.com.ar/cv.dll Thanks Farjad ! Rober
  16. Hola que tal .. recien veo tu respuesta .. Estoy parado con UNIGUI ya que tengo otras cosas que hacer .. el producto me parece simplemente sensacional y Delphi - que es lo que esta abajo de UNIGUI - tambien .. Avanze mucho con el producto, hasta que tuve que buscar trabajo y no le puedo dedicar el tiempo que me gustaria Saludos Rober
  17. 'Probably' right ! .. thanks ! (and sorry for disturbing you) Rober
  18. After deinstalling old unigui version .. erasing all .bpl's and .dcp's (unigui,extjs,uindy), I have tried to install last version from uniGUI2013Group.groupproj in Delphi XE3, getting this error message: [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17.dpk(133): F2051 Unit uniGUIApplication was compiled with a different version of ExtPascal.TExtThread Please help !! :-) Thanks Rober
  19. Si .. disculpa lo tengo caido, en unos dias mas lo levanto. Rober
  20. The same for everybody here ! .. Merry Christmas (from Argentina) Rober
  21. I had the 'same' problem (I guess .. thread safe in memory table) .. then I used TRxMemoryTable .. and problem solved. Greetings Rober
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