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Everything posted by tintinsoft

  1. 1.TUnimTabPanel bugs: a.if TabVisible = false,the control(align=alClient) in tabsheep is not bottom. Fix: function TUnimTabSheet.GetEffectiveHeight:Integer; var CH : Integer; begin CH := -1; if Assigned(PageControl) then CH := PageControl.Height else if Assigned(Parent) then CH := Parent.Height; if CH<>-1 then begin //old code = Result:=CH-TOUCH_TAB_HEIGHT //tintinsoft if TabVisible then Result:=CH-TOUCH_TAB_HEIGHT else Result := CH; end else Result:=Height; end; b.If using touch Theme "cupertino-classic",the font on tabsheet of TUnimTabPanel is verry small and Layout confusion. 2. TFieldDataLink in TUnimDBSelect. The dbcombobox TFieldDataLink variable is declared in the protected region,but TUnimDBSelect TFieldDataLink variable is declared in the private region.so if i extend TUnimDBSelect, I can not use TFieldDataLink variable . 3. About question with TUnimSegmentedButton. i want to click any button of TUnimSegmentedButton(allowMultiple =true),and click it pressed and auto bounce. How can write js code? init js code: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.allowMultiple = true; } 4. mobiel UnimButtonEdit I write a UniButtonEdit,it work well on desktop. But I write a UnimButtonEdit on mobile web, it raise error " can not read property "Trigger" undefine " procedure TUnimDBButtonEdit.ConfigJSClasses(ALoading: Boolean); begin inherited; // JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName:='Ext.form.TriggerField'; JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName := 'Ext.form.field.Trigger'; end; How do you modify this code? 5. TUnimMenu can not scroll menuitems when menuitems exceed screen
  2. delphi 10.2 + unigui V1-1397+Mobile, It raise error " cannot read property "Trigger" of undefine
  3. Thanks! I install this components in XE2,But I run all the demo ,the browser always show hints:loading... and can not run it! My UniGUI Verson is! How can i resolve this problem?
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