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Everything posted by uniguibbs

  1. thank above all. i have a new question: radiogroup add or remove items. the component can not display correct. it doesn't refresh.
  2. second question: give a name to the componet. next time run this code , exception raise --------------------------- Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project FlowQinJia.exe raised exception class EComponentError with message 'A component named rgrmp2 already exists'. --------------------------- i try to RemoveControl(rgEmp2) at first; another exception raise " the component not exists." what's wrong?
  3. ok. resolved by myself. give the new component a name. it works.
  4. unigui 0.94 delphi xe2 Dynamic create TUniRadioGroup. following code, the columns doesn't divide to 6. what's wrong? RemoveControl(rgEmp2); rgEmp2 := TUniRadioGroup(InsertControl(TUniRadioGroup.Create(Self))); rgEmp2.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( 'radioGroup.beforerender=function radioGroup.beforerender(sender, eOpts)' + #13#10 + '{' + #13#10 + 'sender.columns = 6' + #13#10 + '}' ); if not cdsDepMan.IsEmpty then begin cdsDepMan.First; while not cdsDepMan.Eof do begin rgEmp2.Items.Add(cdsDepManempname.AsString); cdsDepMan.Next; end; end;
  5. hi , rullomare. unigui 0.94 delphi xe2 Dynamic create TUniRadioGroup. following code, the columns doesn't divide to 6. what's wrong? RemoveControl(rgEmp2); rgEmp2 := TUniRadioGroup(InsertControl(TUniRadioGroup.Create(Self))); rgEmp2.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( 'radioGroup.beforerender=function radioGroup.beforerender(sender, eOpts)' + #13#10 + '{' + #13#10 + 'sender.columns = 6' + #13#10 + '}' ); rgEmp2.ClientEvents.Enabled := True; if not cdsDepMan.IsEmpty then begin cdsDepMan.First; while not cdsDepMan.Eof do begin ListLeader.Add(Format('%S=%S', [cdsDepManempid.AsString, cdsDepManempname.AsString])); rgEmp2.Items.Add(cdsDepManempname.AsString); cdsDepMan.Next; end; end;
  6. thanks! rullomare, Very useful
  7. can items in radiogroup, seprate to multi column?
  8. can items in radiogroup, seprate to multi column
  9. 0.94 still base on extpascal?
  10. This is based on. NET open source under the control library Extjs, I hope unigui ver: 1.0 to achieve most of the controls inside the case http://fineui.com/demo/
  11. But I have another problem. If the parent of 'UniHTMLFrame' is not a Form, how to get then object 'UnitHTMLFrame' in client sides. I put the 'UniHTMLFrame' in a 'TFrame'. I use 'document.getElementById('UniHTMLFrame1'), but it cannot get the object? Why?
  12. I want to use 'ajaxRequest' in TUniHTMLFrame.HTML. Source Code: TUniHTMLFrame.HTML: <input type="button" value="Test" class="button" onclick="ajaxRequest(sender, 'MyEvent1', [ 'param0=A', 'param1=B' ]);"/> procedure UniHTMLFrame1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin ShowMessage(EventName); end; When I click 'Test' button, It cannot call 'UniHTMLFrame1AjaxEvent'. Why?
  13. set the test.dll as the default page. just like default.html. then you can visit test.com
  14. uniguibbs

    xe2 debug

    update xe to xe2. xe2 + iis7 + ISAPI + 32BIT i want debug project.dll. menu->run->attach to process. display as the photo below: all of image name in running processes list = "system", PID ALL = 0 what's happen? what can i do? help!
  15. uniguibbs


  16. is there a way to decrease ext-all.js size.
  17. Isapi, win64, iis, when i visit my app, need to wait a long time, then session timeout. i think may be the ext-all.js too large, browser wait it download for a long time , so session timeout. is it exactly? how optimize ?
  18. sometimes, the same problem in my apps. i still not found the reason.
  19. how to optimize my app? we visit online demos in ungui.com , the demos work fine. my app , visit on intranet , work fine. but in internet , it don't work. two question: 1.how to optimize app if deploy my app in internet? 2.how to decrease ext-all.js size.
  20. Memo & Image in DBGrid Demo Column "Notes" can not select and copy. how can i select and copy the text in that Field?
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