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Everything posted by knopix

  1. can not unigui 0.93 Regards Knopix
  2. Thank you lema for share Regards Knopix
  3. What these firewall port settings in windowds Mr.Nefasto Cipa Regards Knopix insert port.bmp
  4. knopix

    UniDBGrid PageSize

    The code is written in the server where Nim what module, main module or in the mainform? thank you Regards Knopix
  5. I want to join multiple tables and filter reports by date Regards Knopix
  6. The source is written where Hendra? thank you very much
  7. knopix

    UniDBGrid PageSize

    source is in place where in unidbgrid? helpme?Duser Regards Knopix
  8. knopix


    I use FastReport when making MODULE ISAPI applications are no constraints on the subordinate component FastReport (frxXLSExport). mine for Applications with VCL Application / Stanalone Server / ISAPI module running smoothly and quickly
  9. when an application simultaneously access the same user and password to be slow application VCL Application / Stanalone server ? there a solution?Thanks Regards Knopix
  10. thank you very much Mr. Nefasto Cipa very helpful Regards Knopix
  11. Thank you Regards Knopix
  12. how when I make an application VCL Application / Stanalone server.Project the computer I run it on a server and can be accessed through a browser on the client computer Regars Knopix
  13. please help me to filter reports by date, by day ? Module ISAPI application how?Thanks Regards Knopix
  14. how to create a Report with Fastscript? for filter report with FastReport how?Thank you Regards Knopix
  15. to import an excel file with 3 sheets or more into the mysql database how there is a solution? helpme? Regards Knopix
  16. how to import excel file into mysql database in a table? whether taken per sheet or all sheets? when in the excel file there are 3 sheets all existing data files as well as whether it can be imported into mysql table? help me Regards
  17. I want to ask for a report filtered using FastReport how? i use sourcode TForm1.BitBtn1Click procedure (Sender: TObject); begin if Edit1.Text ='' then begin ShowMessage ('No Batch Input ...'); Edit1.SetFocus; Exit; end; Dm.ZQuery1.Filter: = 'no_batch =' + QuotedStr (Edit1.Text); Dm.ZQuery1.Filtered: = True; if Dm.ZQuery1.RecordCount = 0 then begin ShowMessage ('No Batch Not Found ... "); Edit1.SetFocus; Dm.ZQuery1.Filtered: = False; Exit; end; case TButton (Sender). Tags of 1: FrxReport1.ShowReport; 2: FrxReport1.Export (FrxXLSExport1); end; Edit1.Clear; Dm.ZQuery1.Filtered: = False; end;
  18. thank you so much information and share knowledge Mr.Semper. If using unitoolbar with uni toolbutton can not? Regards
  19. I use TuniToolbar but could not put the picture on the right side or left? there anything that can help? mine using Delphi XE2 with unigui version 0.92 Regards
  20. I have done but have not been able to? there another solution? Regards
  21. thank you so much Ronak, that to load the image into FastReport how? Regards
  22. Hi Farshad Mohajeri,Help Me How to save images to a database by using COMPONENT UniFileUpload And how to display images from the database to report FastReport.Thanks Regards Knopix
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