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  1. I finally completly removed the FMSoft directory and reinstalled....and it work now
  2. I have the same issue with 1564. If I rollback to 1561, it works Did you manage to solve this pb ?
  3. any idea or suggestion ?
  4. Hi all, On a uniDbGrid, I want to have a cell content updated based on two other cells content (basically on total = qte * price). I wrote a OnSetCellValue which is as basic as : if (aField.FieldName='PU') then begin if JvmItems.State<>dsEdit then JvmItems.Edit; JvmItems.FieldByName('TotalHT').AsCurrency:=jvmItems.FieldByName('Quantite').AsInteger*cValue); // cValue is a float of Value JvmItems.FieldByName('PU').AsCurrency:=cValue; jvmItems.Post; end; It works fine if I validate the cell (pressing Enter), if I switch to another row or if I press shift-tab (going on the left side cell). But if I press tab, the content of the Total cell stays the same. It looks like the content of the Total cell doesn't reflect the new value of the field. Any idea ?
  5. Hi I try to create a Unimap component on my form map:=TUniMap.Create(self); with map do begin top:=673;left:=21;height:=500;width:=650; Name:='ClientMap'; DefaultZoom:=6; Visible:=true; Parent:=uniContainerPanel5; with MapLayers.Add do begin LayerType:=mlGoogle; end; end; But when map tries to display, I have the following error : L.gridLayer.googleMutant is not a function var O433_uniLayersObject={};O433_uniMapmarker=L.layerGroup();O433_uniMappolyline=...... What am I doing wrong ?
  6. That's what i thought....thank you for your answer
  7. Hi I'm new with uniGui. Is it possible to have a uniMenuButton in a unDBGrid (like other column widgets) ?
  8. Hi Hayri I do have a test case (a simple form with a filter UniEdit). Just click on Filter button and bam ! I use NexusDB as a backend server. The table is Clients2.nx1Project2.zip
  9. Good afternoon all, I'm new with uniGui. I try to build a simple first project with a uniDBGrid and few uniDBEdit. My table is about 300 records. When I start my app, the datas displays fine on the grid. If i try a table.filter, everything run smooth and only the selected records are displayed on the grid. When I delete the filter (or change it to a larger result set), it tooks a while for the grid to display datas (when it can) and, very frequently, I have a Connection Error Communication Failure 0 Any idea ?
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