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Everything posted by tappatappa

  1. How do you install a listener on the Browser window resize event (without overriding Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize, of course)?
  2. Thanks zilav for the input, but this would work if I had a css custom file, I guess. Right now I need a way to paste a css string at run time. For now my workaround seems to work, by the way. UnicodeString custom_css; if(UniMainModule()->Theme == UnicodeString(L"neptune")) custom_css = L"neptune_css"; else custom_css = L"default_css"; //removing carriage returns... TReplaceFlags flags = TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll; custom_css = StringReplace(custom_css, L"\r\n", L" ", flags); UniSession->AddJS(UnicodeString("var my_customstyle = Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet('")+custom_css+L"','my_customstyle');");
  3. This may be an ugly workaround but.... In MainForm::AfterConstruction UniSession->AddJS("var my_customstyle = Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet('___your__css__here','my_customstyle');");
  4. I have defined a few div classes in ServerModule::CustomCSS. When I change (at run time!) the Theme of my application (this can be done in MainModule) I'd wish to switch my Custom CSS, and here is the problem: the CSS is in ServerModule, is global. How do you achieve that?
  5. uniGUI uses Ext.js. As far as I know, ExtJS is vulnerable to all sorts of injection and XSS attacks, unless the programmer is very careful. See: https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?296844-HTML-injection-attack-against-the-grid-row-s-TR-id-and-dataRecordId-attributes HOW UNFORTUNATE, SENCHA That said, uniGUI does a better job at protecting the server from those attacks, at least some vulnerabilities have been fixed throughout the years http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3979-javascript-injection-problem-on-form-show But some issues are still open... http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6907-unidbgrid-and-form-title-html-injection http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5252-unicode-support-issue-unprintable-chars depending on what kind of software you are developing there are probably workarounds (browse the forums and you will find plenty). Happy bugging/debugging!
  6. As for the form title I am pretty lost: I was unable to change the behaviour of the JS Window object and since TUniForm::GetCaption is NOT virtual I can't find a clean way to change its behaviour, either. class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TUniBaseForm : public TUniBaseIntermForm { //................... System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void); virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(System::UnicodeString Value); } my form class TMyForm : public TUniForm { private: UnicodeString _unescaped_caption; protected: UnicodeString __fastcall GetCaption(void);//NO! virtual void __fastcall SetCaption(UnicodeString Value);//OK since it is virtual public: // User declarations __fastcall TMyForm(TComponent* Owner); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TMyForm::TMyForm(TComponent * Owner) : TUniForm(Owner), _unescaped_caption(Caption) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnicodeString __fastcall TMyForm::GetCaption(void) { return _unescaped_caption; //this is never called! } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMyForm::SetCaption(UnicodeString Value) { _unescaped_caption = Value; TUniForm::SetCaption(html_escape(Value)); } As a result if I execute this TMyForm* AForm = MyForm(); AForm->Caption = AForm->Caption; The caption gets escaped twice!
  7. Should this whole topic be moved under "Active Reports"? By the way, the workaround above seems to work. I would appreciate if, in future version of the library, grids had a flag "escape HTML" (true by default).
  8. I had a look at ext-unigui-min.js maybe something like this? function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts) { columns.forEach(function(col){ col.renderer = function(k,a,d,i,m,l,j){ return _rndcll_(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(k), a,d,i,m,l,j) } }) }
  9. Unfortunately this introduces a problem. OnDrawColumnCell doesn't work anymore. In the project above void __fastcall TMainForm::GridSrcDrawColumnCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TUniDBGridColumn *Column, TUniCellAttribs *Attribs) { Attribs->Color = clRed; } This is supposed to turn all the cells background red. It works only if you disable the reconfigure ExtEvent, I need both to work simultaneously,
  10. I have tested your code and it works! Thanks! Here you can find the updated project. I removed any dependency from external libraries (I hope) TestMultiSelect.zip
  11. I need to do it for every column, of every grid in my project. Is it possibile to do it in a Extevent on the grid?
  12. I need a way to configure a grid in order to display HTML (or any special character) and not interpret it. Same thing for form titles. Other DB components are safe (uniDBEdit and labels, for instance) I will upload another project by Monday.
  13. sorry i didn't attach the file TestMultiSelect.zip
  14. sure. I adapted a small project i had. It is only dependent on VirtualTable by Devart ODAC, which is a free component. I am pretty confident it also works with other in-memory datasets just launch the application and look at the first row. It is supposed to contain the text "aaaa<p>a</p>" instead is rendered as "aaaa a " of course you can enter any HTML you want: links, maybe even JS code!
  15. I need the unidbgrid to show every character (including < , >, &). Instead I see that those characters are interpreted as HTML. I have the same issue with form titles. This is also a security issue!
  16. Precisely what I need! Thanks! I have two more questions: How do I set the maximum width of the tooltip? Is it possible to show a different text in the cell (instead of the ellipsis) when the cell is not large enough?
  17. Hello everybody, If a grid cell has too much text, it shows an ellipsis (...) at the end. If this is the case, is it possible to show a tooltip when the cursor is positioned over the cell, in order to display the full data? Bonus: how do you control what is shown in the cell? For instance, how do I show this-> ######## instead of a portion of the actual text? Thanks
  18. In short: I tried the new C++ 32bit compiler (the CLANG LLVM one) with the same Includes, libs, and browsing paths as the "Classic Compiler". The Hello World project works! Now I need to port my awfully big project to the new compiler and ... It would be great if someone can confirm this "fix". I don't know if it's related but see https://forums.embarcadero.com/message.jspa?messageID=706860
  19. Unfortunately I can't, I skipped XE7 and XE8. Those Embarcadero guys are waaay to fast with their releases. On the bright side: I may have found a setup that works in C++ Builder 10. Let me investigate it deeper and I will post my findings. Thanks for the support (as always)
  20. Maybe is a C++Builder 10 issue, I can't give you a definitive answer. As I posted before Delphi 10 > New (uniGUI for Delphi) > ISAPI works C++ Builder 10> New (uniGUI for C++) > ISAPI ERROR Maybe the cbproj generated by the uniGUI Application Wizard is somewhat flawed? While the dproj is correct?
  21. Here is some results On Windows10-RadStudio10-uniGUI New>uniGUI for C++ Builder> ISAPI Turn off all linking (RTL, DelphiRTL, Run time packages) Build (Release) resulting dll size 5397 KB deployed on Windows 7 (IIS7) > HTTP 500.0 0x8007007f New>uniGUI for Delphi> ISAPI Turn off all linking (DelphiRTL, Run time packages) Build (Release) resulting dll size 3907 KB deployed on Windows 7 (IIS7) > works what is happening? O_O
  22. Good point. You can't separate IIS from Windows (Win7=>IIS7, Win10=>IIS10). But I will try some permutation of rad studio/uniGUI. Edit: actually, I did NOT change IIS, that is the point
  23. The previous post was not correct. In RadStudio 10 Project manager the project is called <my project>.cpl, but actually it releases a .dll file. Loaded in IIS 7, when I try to access localhost I get an error HTTP 500.0 Modulo IsapiModule Notifica ExecuteRequestHandler Gestore ISAPI-dll Codice errore 0x8007007f Using my previous setup (Windows 7/ Rad Studio XE6/uniGUI the same project worked. Before you ask: I need to upgrade my development environment, but I can't force to upgrade all the servers to IIS 10.
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