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Everything posted by Bertifox

  1. Hello Lema Is there a way to make an intermittent mark? or that the mark allows 2 icons to make an animation. regards
  2. Great Lema. Now I can count the instances in an area. regards
  3. Hello everyone. I need to get the upper left point (Lat, Long) and the lower right point of the map that is being displayed, any idea how to do it. regards
  4. Hi Newbie, Did you manage to make the capture of the webcam work? What component do you use?
  5. Changing Theme at runtime will cause a session restart if RecallLastTheme is True in MainModule.
  6. To change the theme, just assign it in the onchange event of the combobox? I have the following code but this does not make the change. procedure TMainForm.ThemeComboBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.Theme:=ThemeComboBox.Text; end;
  7. Thanks Lema, now works fine, you should copy the folder files from Unigmap component to the location of the executable (.exe)
  8. This shows in the error window. var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-29.958727,-71.339071); var myanchorXY = new google.maps.Point(50,50); var markerEx_0 = new MarkerWithLabel({ position : myLatlng, map : gm_O13, animation : google.maps.Animation.DROP, clickable : true, draggable : true, raiseOnDrag : true, flat : true, id : 0, tag : 1, icon : "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal3/icon16.png", title : "Marker 0", labelAnchor : myanchorXY, labelClass : "myLabel2", labelContent : "Label of Marker 0", labelInBackground : false, labelStyle : {}, labelVisible : true, clustered : true }); markersExArray_O13.push(markerEx_0); if (markerEx_0.clustered) { MarkerExClusterer_O13.addMarker(markerEx_0,false); } google.maps.event.addListener(markerEx_0, "click", function(e) { ajaxRequest(O13, "markerExClick" , ["id=0", "lat=" + e.latLng.lat(), "lng=" + e.latLng.lng(), "tag=" + 1, "xpos=" + myLatLngToPoint(e.latLng,gm_O13).x, "ypos=" + myLatLngToPoint(e.latLng,gm_O13).y ]);}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerEx_0, "dragend", function(e) { ajaxRequest(O13, "markerExDragend" , ["id=0", "lat=" + e.latLng.lat(), "lng=" + e.latLng.lng() ]);}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerEx_0, "rightclick", function(e) { ajaxRequest(O13, "markerExRightClick" , ["id=0", "lat=" + e.latLng.lat(), "lng=" + e.latLng.lng() ]);}); Copy from the UniGMap1AjaxEvent procedure Of UniGMapDemo.dll If EventName = 'maprightclick' then procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin {New Marker} SetLength(MarkersEx, High(MarkersEx) + 2); with MarkersEx[High(MarkersEx)] do begin id := High(MarkersEx); Latitude := -29.95872688; //StrToFloat(Params.Values['lat'], MainForm.fs); Longitude := -71.33907132; // StrToFloat(Params.Values['lng'], MainForm.fs); animation := maDROP; clickable := True; draggable := True; raiseOnDrag := True; flat := True; icon := 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal3/icon' + IntToStr(random(50) + 1) + '.png'; title := 'Marker ' + IntToStr(id); labelAnchor.X := 50; labelAnchor.Y := 50; labelClass := 'myLabel2'; labelContent := 'Label of Marker ' + IntToStr(id); labelInBackground := False; labelVisible := True; tag := 1; AddToCluster:=True; end; UniGMap1.AddMarkerEx(MarkersEx[High(MarkersEx)]); end; Thank you This shows in the error window
  9. Hello, in a form paste an unigmap and a uniboton, when pressing this one must put a mark in the map but it shows attached error. Ajax Error MarkerWithLabel is not defined I need help please.
  10. Hi Farshad Mohajeri, How do i assign the image to unibitbtn from TUniNativeImageList? Does this accept .png? How do i assign the image to unibitbtn from TUniNativeImageList? Does this accept .png?
  11. Thank you, it's working. Is there any way to assign an image of TUniImageList as an icon for a MarkersEx? regards
  12. On page 17 of this thread, this answer, regarding apikey. To show the map: procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin UniGMap1.InitializeMap; Unigmap1.Enabled := True; end; Lema, great work... On page 17 of this thread, this answer, regarding apikey. To show the map:
  13. Hi, In the main form, I put the UniGMap component aligned to the client, when running the apps, shows the map blank. Maybe you need the api key?
  14. Gracias por la ayuda recibida, La solución es utilizar los componentes TUniFileUpload y TUniImage, En el evento UniFileUpload1Completed, se carga la foto a UniImage1 y luego se asigna al campo Foto de la tabla o query. AStream: TFileStream); begin UniImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); UniLabelImagenProp.Caption:='Foto : '+UniFileUpload1.FileName; UniMainModule.UniQueryPropietarios.Edit; UniMainModule.UniQueryPropietarios.FieldByName('Foto').Assign(UniImage1.Picture); UniMainModule.UniQueryPropietarios.Post; end; Saludos
  15. Hola Delphi Developer, uso la versión uni- revisé el ejemplo y funciona muy bien, se muestra la imagen en UniDBImagen pero no graba al campo Foto. procedure TMainForm.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); begin UniDBImageProp.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); UniLabelImagenProp.Caption:='Foto : '+UniFileUpload1.FileName; end; Para tratar de grabar utilizo: procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtnCargaPropClick(Sender: TObject); begin If UniFileUpload1.Execute Then Begin UniMainModule.UniQueryPropietarios.Post; UniMainModule.UniQueryPropietarios.Edit; End; end; Gracias...
  16. Hola foristas, necesito abrir un dialogo para cargar una imagen a un TUniDBImage, utilizo TOpenPictureDialog pero este no muestra el dialogo, no encuentro un componente similar de UniGUI, Existe alguna alternativa? Saludos
  17. Solución al problema de Loading... http://delphiaccess.com/foros/index.php/topic/13729-unigui-isapi-como-ejecutar-mi-primer-hola-mundo/ Saludos
  18. Hi Mohammad, How install unigui on the serve? My browser shows " Loading..." message, please. Thanks
  19. My dll does not work delivery message loading. The link is not operational can republish this. http://forums.unigui...-extjs-runtime/ Thanks
  20. Hola a todos, tengo el mismo problema en cualquier navegador al ejecutar la dll solo me arroja el mensaje loading, estuve buscando como solucionar esto y el link donde se supone esta la solución ya no esta disponible. http://forums.unigui...-extjs-runtime/ buscando encontré que debo copiar extjs al servidor, necesito más detalles por favor si alguien ya paso por esto que me pueda ayudar. Saludos
  21. Link does not exist update please my dll remains loading.. Thanks
  22. How can I install the component for version tokio 10.2 ? thank you.
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