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Everything posted by ldb68

  1. Here demo source compiled with Delphi XE3 and UniGui You need ImageEn (serch google for ImageEn v3.1.2 Full Source --> last versione released as opensource; actual version 4.xx is shareware) ajax_paint.zip
  2. I try to get cursor position inside a TUniHtmlMemo on client side with js. The problem is that the TUniHtmlMemo I need to access the textarea of the component (ctl retun more div html tag). Somebody can help? function Onclick(sender) { try { var ctl = document.getElementById(sender.id); if (ctl != null) { var startPos = ctl.selectionStart; /*var endPos = ctl.selectionEnd;*/ alert(startPos); } } catch(err) { txt="There was an error on this page.\n\n"; txt+="Error description: " + err.message + "\n\n"; txt+="Click OK to continue.\n\n"; alert(txt); } }
  3. Is possible to insert html text into UniHtmlMemo at current cursor postion? How?
  4. Have you tried the demos? On IE9 I get some error (I have to kill IE). I like the opengl demo's. But the product seems instable and limited to IE. Welcome to use WebXone! How to load this page: Please install the IE plug-in from HERE (first time only). Refresh your browser to load this page. Note: WebXone can only work on IE or IE core browsers.
  5. ldb68

    Force One column

    Add fields to grid and then put the column readonly (--> property TUniDBGridColumns of TUniGrid)
  6. Take a look at http://www.miodiario.com/miopaint.dll also the site is builded around a unigui application http://www.miodiario.com/miodiario.html user = test and password = test bye ajax_paint.zip
  7. Can somebody explain usage / differeces for Free form and Application form thanks
  8. ldb68

    How to use [https]

    But are you using an unigui isapi or an unigui application? I think that only with an isapy you can use a ssl certificate ...
  9. ldb68

    Tips for Unilist

    If you need to show at run time a selection inside a TUniList use something like: for I := 0 to list.Items.Count-1 do begin if list.Items)= 'my item' then begin list.ItemIndex:= i; list.Selected:= true; break; end; end;
  10. Last 89 stable version IS "fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.89.0.958_setup.exe" ?
  11. And last time I try it was MONO TASK !!!! It's now multitask? PS: try http://samples.raudus.com:88/18-FishFacts (with Crome) close and reopen .... the form disappeared .... very instable project ....
  12. Have you tested Abyss Web Server with an isapi? Can you explain how? thanks
  13. I want to add memos and images on the screen. Clicking down the mouse on them I would place them freely on the screen (like a windows). Something like this: http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/javascript-draggable-elements thanks
  14. No way to do the request?
  15. ldb68

    1.0 release

    see here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2079-support-freepascal-or-delphi7/page__p__9251__hl__lazarus__fromsearch__1#entry9251
  16. Is there a way to move memo and images (in web mode) on a form at run time by click down the mouse on the object? I need to make a simple pubblisher editor (need to insert text box and images) with the ability to place these objects on the page. thanks
  17. On windows mobile 6.5 (the last CE) IExplorer doesn't work. Tested a simple unigui application with Opera 10 for CE and it works.
  18. Error: Unexpected token ILLEGAL tinyMCE.get("ed1").setContent("UniMemo1 "); Problem with #13#10 in memo Try UniSession.AddJS('tinyMCE.get("ed1").setContent("'+ StringReplace(UniMemo1.Text,#13#10, '<br>', [rfReplaceAll]) + '")');
  19. There are problem to get the html text. Try put im html editor: <p>123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890</p> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>111</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p>123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890</p> With GetText you get: <p>123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890</p> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>111</td> <td>
  20. Author of SivakSQlite3 has not yet released a Delphi XE2 compatible version. See it at: http://www.filedepot.eu/
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