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Everything posted by ldb68

  1. Yes. It's ok the first time. Then if I change browser width on desktop (or rotate the tablet) the value doesn't change. Resize event also is not raised. Seems only recall a java script detect the change ...
  2. I need to make a mobile program that should be accessible also via PC (Chrome etc.) without having to redo the desktop version. Then I need to know the width of the window to adapt some panel at screen size... Now I usa a JavaScript to detect the windows width in the login form.Save width to a cookie and then read the value in the main forms. It's the only way?
  3. Is there a way in mobile mode to monitor the size of the form? The width of the form always returns the value of design time. thanks
  4. Using DBGrid Editors demo as starting point. How can set the width of the detail panel editor and / or change element size? Can we align panel at left? Search inside code but I don't find where you create the detail panel. thanks
  5. see 1° post (PS: not tested with unigui last version ...)
  6. You can not. An unigui application must necessarily run on windows as exe or isapi (win32 or win 64). To have an application that runs on Android/ IOS you have to use other tools such as Firemonkey or Smart Mobile Studio (Pascal like) --> http://smartmobilestudio.com/
  7. See link in the first post https://code.google.com/p/sexybuttons/downloads/detail?name=SexyButtons_v1.2.zip&can=2&q=
  8. See small demo attacched here http://webdomino.it/documenti/move.zip Basically we need to add some javascript to panel that can be moved inside a form. To remove the frame when panel is selected we need to change css style. With modality "mfWindows" there's some problem. Seem that panel coordinaes are always retative to screen (0,0) and not to form (0,0). I find no way to force panel position to it's parent. Here we need help from Farshad or some other java script master.
  9. See small demo attacched here http://webdomino.it/documenti/move.zip Basically you need to add some javascript to panel that can be moved inside a form. To remove frame when select panel need to change css style. With modality "mfWindows" there's some prioblem. Seem that panel coordinaes are always retative to screen (0,0) and not form (0,0). I find no way to force panel position to it's parent. HERE we need help from Farshad or some other java script master.
  10. I use UNIGUI standard login. See demos. You need to make a login form and set it as Login Form.
  11. Thanks. Ie9 seems to have some minor problems. I will update the demo today.
  12. Here http://www.miodiario.com/webdomino.dll a starting simple web Publisher (user login = webdomino ) Need some feedback on different browser to see If there's problems with z-order e moving / resize box (point to the box EDGE for move/resize). Added a more efficient export to PDF. thanks
  13. check --> form.monitorscreenresize= enabled procedure TMainForm.UniFormScreenResize(Sender: TObject; AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin Self.Left:= 0; Self.Width:= AWidth; end;
  14. Wow. You are a MASTER. I had not found an answer on the forum Sencha. Bother you with another javascript question . I have a "panel" on form with resizing activated. I would like to hide the frame displayed when move on the panel's border. The Sencha forum tell me to bind a "resizer" to the panel : --> http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/extjs-build/examples/resizer/basic.html var transparent = Ext.create ('Ext.create', 'Ext.resizer.Resizer', { Target: 'idpanel', minWidth: 50, minHeight: 50, preserveRatio: true, transparent: true }); How can implement it in UniGui? Again THANK YOU VERY MUCH PS: as described here I can modify the css but is not an elegant solution http://dev.sencha.com/playpen/docs/output/Ext.Resizable.html
  15. I need to hide/remove the form border (the 5 pixel default theme). I tried all combination without success. Somebody has a solution? thanks
  16. Thanks Semper. It's ok but I neeed to hide/remove the form border (5 pixel default theme). I tried all combination without success.
  17. Try this on MainForm but I get an error : MainForm as not JSName member. Is WebForm a TUniForm or another component? I want to hide the form border ... thanks PS: from Sencha forum to disabled the window border completely we need Code: Ext.onReady(function(){ var win = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', { layout: "fit", modal: true, floating: true, border: false, width: 502, height: 402, items: [{ border: false, html: 'qqqqq' }] }).show(); }); How translate for Unigui js event or delhoi code?
  18. Use QuickReport on a DataModule to generare the report as in your application. From QuickReport then export the report in pdf (or excel ... ) and make it downloadable for the user. There is not a unigui web ready alternative to QuickReport o FastReport
  19. thanks; going to full screen it's ok; exit not perfect (border on right side) Demo updated. See 1° post.
  20. Thanks; I will add this util to my desktop demo
  21. delphi XE5 last unigui I get error starting "class TUniPanel not found!"
  22. updated and help requested for add "FULL SCREEN MODE" using js See js code in added uniServerModule CustomMeta (https://xparkmedia.c...ode-javascript/)
  23. I enclose a desktop app demo revisited. All credits to their original authors. The demo can be used to show your potential clients the potential of unigui for developing web app. http://www.miodiario.com/desktop.dll PS: Delphi XE5 with last unigui; I set js lib folder in root path ... Updated to invoking an external app (urlframe) and added Semper js tips to forms. Updated demo with login form (blanck passwpord) Added MyIP form Added "Enter Full Screen" and "Exit Full Screen (only Crome e Firefox; use F11 for IE). Desktop.zip
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