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Everything posted by ldb68

  1. Yes. In my case I'm using the tinymce editor (more advanced of unihtmleditor). To set and get the content we need JS at client side. Sincronization can be done by ajaxRequest (event to server side) but is non a "linear" solution.
  2. I can force unigui controls to sincronize content at server side when content is setted at client side? I think is a common problem with uniHtmlFrame and javascript. If I call a js function to update a unigui control accessing to the content with unigui property give a old value. In may case I get the content from a tinymce editor via js and copy it to a unimemo: UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(tinyMCE.get("edt1").getContent());'); The memo conntain the text from frame. If I try to read the UniMemo1.text conntent I get the old value (before the js call). Se here for a sample http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7149-tinymce-4x-get-content/
  3. Hi. There is a problem accessing the memo text after the JS call. Showmessage(UniMemo1.Text); return "UniMemo1.Text" and not the html content. Seems that assign value to a memo1 at client side is not notifed to server side correctly. Ho can resolve ... ? thanks again
  4. Thanks "Delphi Developer". It works. To write to htmlframe we can use: UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(tinyMCE.get("edt1").setContent('+ StrToJS(UniMemo1.Text) +'))');
  5. Finded problem. Starting with unigui demo where a UniUrlFame is named UniHTMLFrame1 ....
  6. Sorry to bore but I dont see any AfterScript property on UniHTMLFrame. I'm using UNIGUI
  7. UniHTMLFrame1.AfterScript: ??? I don't find this event ... And then I need always to call UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(Ext.get("edt1").getValue());'); ?
  8. I get /ERROR: Ext.get(...) is null ... UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(Ext.get("edt1").getValue());');
  9. Hi. I need help with tinyMCE. Below html code works. I try to embeed the code into a unihtmlframe. The editor is shown correct inside unigui. UniHTMLFrame1.HTML property: <script src="http://cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script> <script> tinyMCE.init({ /*selector: '#edt1', */ plugins: [ 'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor', 'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen', 'insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste code' ], toolbar: 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image', content_css: [ '//fast.fonts.net/cssapi/e6dc9b99-64fe-4292-ad98-6974f93cd2a2.css', '//www.tinymce.com/css/codepen.min.css' ], mode: "exact", elements : "edt1" }); </script> <textarea style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" id="edt1"></textarea> I cannot get the editor content. With UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(tinyMCE.get("edt1").getContent());'); I get ERROR: tinyMCE is not defined MainForm.UniMemo1.setValue(tinyMCE.get("edt1").getContent()); thanks Html file sample with js that get content: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script> <script> tinyMCE.init({ /*selector: '#edt1', */ plugins: [ 'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor', 'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen', 'insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste code' ], toolbar: 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image', content_css: [ '//fast.fonts.net/cssapi/e6dc9b99-64fe-4292-ad98-6974f93cd2a2.css', '//www.tinymce.com/css/codepen.min.css' ], mode: "exact", elements : "edt1" }); </script> </head> <body> <button onclick="alert(tinyMCE.get('edt1').getContent());">Get</button><br> <textarea id="edt1"></textarea> </body>
  10. How I can avoid that HtmlEdit remove <html><body> and <header> tag I load an html page and after a modification it remove and change some tag remove ... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html lang="IT" xml:lang="IT" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> change <br/> to <br> ... thanks
  11. Here is english http://delphi-kb.blo...ly-without.html Source here http://www.eggcentric.com/free.htm
  12. See here if it's ok for your question http://delphi-kb.blogspot.it/2011/03/update-your-isapi-app-on-fly-without.html
  13. ldb68

    apps performance

    They are totally different solutions. Terminal server should be faster (I remember it was also optimized for slow connections) but requires a paid license for each client. A client program must be installed on each machine that accesses the server and I do not think Andorid and iOS are supported. The usege on a smartphone or tablet may be very difficult. A UNIGUI application is basically a web page + ajax and then is cross-platform by definition (Crhome, Firefox, Safari, IExplorer ...). No paid license for each client. On a slow connection it can perform poorly if the page is complex. You can create very user friendly app for smartphones and tablets (Sencha Touch) ...
  14. I could not find the code on the forum. For those who need it: EXT.JS Event: function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.constrainHeader = true; } Or in UNIEvents ... I don't know what's the best place function window.beforeInit(sender, config) { sender.constrainHeader = true; }
  15. Strange. I had felt this way and does not seem to work. Now works. I know that the Delphi IDE sometimes must be restarted ... thanks
  16. How I can show a ScreenMask when a call a function inside a popupmenu? Can I do something like this? procedure TMainForm.PopupMenu1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniScreenMask1.ShowMask; unimainmodule.MyFunctionTimeConsuming; UniScreenMask1.HideMask; end; PopupMemu Item has not "Client Events" so i can not use the code from demos UIMask-Client ... thanks
  17. try here (z-index) for the panel http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3468-z-order-of-unipanel/?hl=z-index&do=findComment&comment=16158 http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5288-unidbgrid-and-unipanel/?hl=z-index&do=findComment&comment=27207
  18. This work has nothing to do with unigui. A CSV is a text file. Each row contains data separated by ",". You have to read the file (with a TStringList) line by line and split the line in the destination fields. Then you have to save each field in the target table ... PS: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4854310/how-can-i-read-and-write-csv-in-a-way-similar-to-net-filehelpers for a JvCsvDataSet (Jedi project) --> a dataset to import csv data So you don't need to write the parsing code ...
  19. At run time I want to show a panel like the detail panel that open when edit a uninmdbgrid. So user interface is more unforme. see demo here: http://www.miodiario.com/mydocs.dll/m user / password : demo / demo Edit or add new document to se a detail panel. I want to animate the panel show thks
  20. Where's our js super expert "Delphi Developer"?
  21. How can animate a unimpanel? The sample code for a unipanel dosn't work. Here some tips (see 3) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14841106/animating-ext-panel-in-sencha-touch-2 thanks
  22. Ok thanks. The native editor is very usefull to build simple interface to configuration tables and speed up the coding.
  23. Thanks. I'm doing some test and seems ok. Is there any downside to this solution?
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