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Posts posted by ldb68

  1. Color of modern theme can be symple changed with global tag.
    How I can set this in unigui?
    Here instruction
    "base-color-name": "blue",
    "accent-color-name": "orange"
    where put this ???
    Simply change your $base-color-name and Fashion will handle recalculations and set the proper CSS variables
    At runtime we can set dark-mode via CSS variable dark-mode ..
    In file 
    I found  root{--dark-mode:true;--base-color:
    but change base-color here has not effect
    • Like 1

    If I understand correctly you, while you can try:


    UnimLabel1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> ...

    function beforeInit(sender, config)
      config.style="color: green; font-size: 14px;"

    Thanks. It works.


    function beforeInit(sender, config)
      config.style="font-weight: bold;  text-align: center; color: red; font-size: 150%;"
  3. Hi,



    Try this:

      with UnimPanel1.JSInterface do
        JSCode(#1'.element.setStyle("border-color", "red");');
        JSCode(#1'.element.setStyle("border-width", "5px");');
        JSCode(#1'.element.setStyle("border-style", "solid");');

    Best regards,


  4. So, that also means that Desktop version of UniGUI is Ok for mobile Apps?


    The ExtJS 6.5 mobile themes certainly help to write single web apps that can be used on desktops, tablets or smartphones.
    But you are limited to only 2-3 themes available that not everyone likes.
    Having the possibility to change colors / fonts would be a further help but at the moment we have to do everything via JS and know exactly what to declare to acces EXTJS api.
    However, a nice step forward compared to before ...
    • Upvote 1
  5. Why





    With unigui/extjs you can achieve what you want.


    A responsive template must render well on either a pc, a tablet or a smartphone and adapt automatically if you rotate the device.
    I do not know that currently there is a theme suitable for both the desktop and mobile in unigui. I am wrong?
    The themes implemented in unigui are definitely ugly compared to current standards and definitely unusable on a 5-inch smartphone.
  6. Howdy All!


    I have been "tagging" UniGui to look at for quite sometime and need to get a little information from existing users.


    A little background - I currently have written a reservation system. It is comprised of a WIN32/64 application and a web application written in IntraWeb using CGDevTools jQuery and jQueryMobile components.


    I am looking to "unify" my web apps from 2 to 1 (i.e. responsive).


    It it possible using UniGui to just use one set of components and have a responsive / consistent UI across all devices (desktop/tablet/mobile) like Bootstrap?


    Anybody have a link they can share if the answer to the above question is YES?


    I just want to make sure I investigate all Delphi/C Builder web development ways before I am forced to look at a different set of tools for web development.


    Thanks in advance,



    Also for me to be able to create a responsive web page is a priority. But at present it is not possible with Unigui.

  7. Hi,


    Fast solution and it can be optimized.


    Try this:

        /*selector: '#edt1', */
        plugins: [
            'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor',
            'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen',
            'insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste code'
        toolbar: 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image',
        content_css: [
        mode: "exact",
        elements: "edt1",
        setup: function(ed) {
            ed.on('keyup', function(e) {
            ed.on('change', function(e) {

    Best regards.


    Thanks it works.

    For small text can be a solution.

    For large text I think there is too much overhead.


    I tried to add a new funtion in the script to be called from main but I can't get to works




    function GetHtml() {


      return ""  




    From delphi code I have error (GetHtml() not defined ...)


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