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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. Hi, i have a UniGui App to store Working time and ToDo lists. i want - if a parameter is added to the starting URL - my app should start a function (recalc times of one Customer) and sends the result as a json array and close the started node without parameter - the app sould start normal ... How can i do this? ThanX Erich
  2. Hi .. if i put a UniDBFormattedNumberEdit1 in your "DB Demo" the format is also incorrect: object UniDBFormattedNumberEdit1: TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit Left = 8 Top = 146 Width = 159 Height = 22 Hint = '' FormattedInput.DecimalGroup = 2 DataField = 'Length_In' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 21 DecimalSeparator = ',' ThousandSeparator = '.' end
  3. Delphi 10.2 / Mysql / UniGui The TuniDBFormatedNumberEdit - ShowThousandSeparator shows a strange value :,00 - it should be 10.000.000,00 object UniDBNumberEdit8: TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit Left = 349 Top = 215 Width = 140 Height = 22 Hint = '' FormattedInput.DefaultCurrencySign = False FormattedInput.DecimalGroup = 2 DataField = 'brutto' DataSource = UniMainModule.DZ_report TabOrder = 9 DecimalSeparator = ',' ThousandSeparator = '.'
  4. if i understand you correctly - you are searching this: ajaxRequest(MainForm.form,''News'' , [''param0=par1'' , ''param1=par2'' ]); and in Mainform you get Infos via: procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent( Sender : TComponent; EventName : string; Params : TUniStrings ); ..so the javascript "talks" to delphi/unigui
  5. hi .. UniGui Desktop Versin i become sometimes an error with this code: could not set row position: row [xxx]:a is null procedure TframeFileExplorer.UniDBGridFilesKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin files.Locate( 'name', key, [loPartialKey, loCaseInsensitive ] ); // end; has someone a idea what the reason is? ThanX Erich
  6. Hy, for a special solution - i want to open files located on the client PC (every client has a network drive h:\ to the fileserver) i changed in chrome some flags .. entered "allow-file-access-from-files" to the Chrome-link .. installed extensions like "Local Explorer - Open File Links in Chrome" but nothing works i call the file in my uniGui-app with unisession.AddJS( 'window.open("'+datei+'");' ); at runtime - it looks like: window.open("file:///F:/erich/ordnertest/test 2/t2.txt"); OK but nothing happend Any Idea, how i can make this working??? a special configuration for browser or installing Extensions IS POSSIBLE! PS. the solution MUST handle with the local Files .. please donยดt ask why ๐Ÿ˜‰ ThanX for suggestions Erich
  7. Hello this is my solution for my customers to change the colors - it works in your existing unigui-application. If you will used it -and make it better ๐Ÿ˜‰ - please post your work here HowTo: Please set Theme "triton.modified" in UniMainModule you need public vars in UniMainModule: my_text_under_highlite, texthintergrund, texthintergrund_focus, my_color, hintergrundfarbe, randfarbe, textfarbe : String; you need a hidden "UniHTMLFrame2" in Mainform ..and the Form in the zip ๐Ÿ˜‰ unigui_UI.webm colors.zip
  8. Hello Sherzod, i found a solution ๐Ÿ™‚ a transformer to lower case solved my problem function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; me.sort({property:0, transform: function(item) { return item.toLowerCase(); }, direction:"ASC"}); me.grid.getSelectionModel().select(0); } ThanX Erich
  9. Hi, i use this to order the items of a UniDBTreegrid function store.load(sender, node, records, successful, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; me.sort({property:0, direction:"ASC"}); me.grid.getSelectionModel().select(0); } but it shows me first all words beginning with upper case ordered by A-Z then it shows me all words beginning with lower case ordered by a-z It should sort it like standard SQL order-command the left uniDBGrid shows the correct sort order - the right uniDBTreeGrid should show the same order:
  10. Hi .. ๐Ÿ™‚ what is wrong with this code (embeeded in UniHTMLFrame) -> servermodule -options - soControlNameAsID = true .. i cant find the problem ๐Ÿ˜‰ <script> var theInput = document.getElementById("kb_selected_color"); var theColor = theInput.value; theInput.addEventListener("input", to_delphi, false); function to_delphi() { ajaxRequest(f_color.form,''Farbe'' , [''param0='+theInput.value+''']); <-----------------HERE is the problem } </script>
  11. Hi ..i found an old sample from 2012 .. but it doesnt work? has someone a Color Picker for Unigui? ThanX for infos and Help Erich
  12. Hy .. what is the different between: max 20 nodes with max 3 Sessions max 3 Nodes with max 20 Sessions ThanX Erich
  13. iis 2019 .. the iis is downloading the hyperserver.dll - not executing .. i used this dokument: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/iis_7_0.htm What can be the reason? PS. There was no IUSR after installing server roll and ISAPI Feature
  14. i search a silution like if uniUniDBDateTimePicker.onclick -> then show Pickerfield The actual situation is: if just Icon of uniUniDBDateTimePicker.onclick -> then show Pickerfield PS...if it works with a onFocus -solution - i will take it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Nice greetings Erich
  15. how can i show pickerfield when click on uniUniDBDateTimePicker ( in textfield AND Icon .. not just Icon) .. ThanX Erich
  16. hi ifgarrido, thank you for your infos ๐Ÿ™‚ Short question: I have Delphi Xe4 - and i cannot open your sourccode .. .. in your code there is unit "REST.Types" and "System.NetEncoding"... and so on which version must i buy to run your demo? https://www.embarcadero.com/app-development-tools-store/delphi i hope the "Professional" Edition is enouth (1.500 โ‚ฌ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ) Nice greetings Erich
  17. Hello, I am looking for a solution to authenticate users via OAuth 2.0. What exactly this should solve is the following: A company has employees who all have an Office 365 account (the eMail addresses all end with the company domain) - the system admin said he has to share something in the Azure portal for this - so that my webapplication is allowed to create a request. HOW can i make a OAuth 2.0 Login? Only employees of the specific company should be able to log in with their account. Each employee should be created as a "Restricted User" in my database when he logs in for the first time - where do I get his eMail address from? What does the system admin need from me - so that he can enter everything in his Azure portal? What do I need from the system admin? Are there already any half-finished examples or examples for Unigui? Thanks for help and hints Erich
  18. Up ๐Ÿ™‚ .. i need a SAML Sign on with Office365 .. has realy nobody a plan how i can realize this?
  19. free Edition: https://www.devart.com/virtualdac/editions.html eduardosuruagy: Are u using SysUtils?
  20. Posted just now ok .. i think - i have a solution: function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { sender.focus(false, 1); e.stopPropagation(); console.log('ENTER key pressed!'); } } HTH Erich
  21. ok .. i think - i have a solution: function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { sender.focus(false, 1); e.stopPropagation(); console.log('ENTER key pressed!'); } } HTH Erich
  22. Hi - i dont want to clear the bookmarks after reading ... how can i do this? i just read values (without writing or something) UniMainModule.Z_activities.DisableControls; for i := 0 to UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count - 1 do begin UniMainModule.Z_activities.Bookmark:=UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Items[i]; SQL_filter_Activities := SQL_filter_Activities +' OR ( `description_activity` LIKE '''+ UniMainModule.Z_activities.FieldByName('activitie_name').asstring+''' ) '; end; ..after this - the unidbgrid lost the bookmarks and the last bookmarked record is focused
  23. Sorry - but did not work .. if i add function keydown(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { e.stopPropagation(); } } .. and press "return" in UniDBMemo - it jumps to the next control (like tab)
  24. if i set UniMainModule -> NavigateKey -> Next -> Key: = 13 it works fine ๐Ÿ™‚ But I lose the possibility to create a new line with "Return" at the UniMemo (uniDBMemo) is it possible to exclude Memos? ThanX
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