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Everything posted by dionel1969

  1. Hello: I have a question caused by my lack of knowledge. How works UniScreenMask???? I saw demo and it is working there with Sleep procedure. I use the following code in my windows applications for those procedures that use long time to work like server calls. I mean "long time" in cases that bandwidth is not good or not enough, or may be sometime the server is too busy and do not respond as fast as expecting. procedure DoBeforeLongOperation; begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; ShowProgressMessage('Wait a moment...'); end; procedure DoAfterLongOperation; begin HideProgressMessage; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; procedure CallToServer; begin DoBeforeLongOperation; try RequestToServer; finally DoAfterLongOperation; end; end; Sometime I use an "Animation" to show that the application is working not crashed. How could I use UniScreenMask in this case calling some procedure or property like "Active := True" not through "Sleep"???
  2. Hello: Normally, in most applications that I make, I do not auto-create forms, just rather in the moment I need them. With this the application loads a little faster. Even in the case of modal windows I create them at the time that the client is going to edit that data and later I destroy them. So I use the following code: function EditData: Boolean; var Dlg : TAnyDialog; begin Dlg := TAnyDialog.Create(Application); Result := (Dlg.ShowModal = mrOk); FreeAndNil(Dlg); end; In this case "ShowModal" is a function that returns ModalResult (mrOk, mrCancel, mrYes, etc...). The result of the function I use to refresh data in mrOk cases, or other things. In the case of TUniForm "ShowModal" is a procedure and do not works as cycle waiting for the end of modal state, no in the case of WEB interface, in the Windows interface works as expecting. So my question is: I have to call "ShowModal" and then make a cycle by myself waiting for change of ModalResult property???? Or, what???? If you could explain how works ShowModal in the WEB interface will be good for me. May be this is caused by my lack of knowledge on web interfaces.
  3. Anyway you post in this forum about to have this more visible. May be in the future could be a component TUniApplication to manipulate this kind of property and others?
  4. Ok. I did not see inside the Demo folder. Now I will see every demo. OK, thanks a lot.
  5. Hello: I have a POS Application and I need some information from client to identify it and so on. What can I do that?? It is possible to manage cookies???
  6. Ok, just a web page to see what in the log is to avoid report about a problem that is reported. # | Issue | Short Description | Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | Bitmap transparency | There is a problem with the | Reported | | transparency in bitmap on the web | | | with TUniBitButton | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . No more than... Thank you for your time.
  7. It will be possible to have here a "closed discussion thread" to see the Log, problem description and Status????
  8. Sorry for the delay of my answer. Here is the example about. It was not possible to upload the compiled executable for size reason. If you want you can give me an email address and I send it later. Dionel UniPageControl.rar
  9. This is one of my other questions: I use to make simple applications using PageControl instead of using multiple forms. So I put a PageControl aligned to alClient in the form, I create more than one page and in the design time the tabs of the pages are visible, but in the run time I hide they to user, then I manipulate visual interface throught ActivePage of PageControl object. For example: procedure TMainForm.HideTabs; var Index: Integer; Last: Integer; begin Last := pctrlMain.PageCount - 1; for Index := 0 to Last do pctrlMain.Pages[index].TabVisible := False; pctrlMain.ActivePage := tshtLoginPage; end; The last code line activate the Page I want to show to user first time. It works in the windows interface, but it does not work for web interface. Later, when I call this from button event it works well. It seems that the last page remains active despite the last line of code.
  10. Ok, I asked about because I have other questions and I want to know if they are logged or not????
  11. Ok, thanks. Where can I see the "Log of Issues"??? Dionel
  12. Hello everybody: I just start work with uniGUI in this week. I read it before, but I did not use it, so may be in the near future my questions will be caused by lack of knowledge. I created a simple project in which I put a button (TUniSpeedButton) with a picture. The image is in BMP format because the Glyph property of the button will not let me use another, yet when the generation for WEB PNG format is generated. In the Windows Application it looks good with transparency, but on the WEB page the background is drawn with the color that supposed to be transparent. My questions are: 1- There is a way to do that, i. e. to obtain transparency for the WEB??? 2- Will be possible to use the same color (Pixel Color at (1,1)) for Transparency in the PNG Generation? 3- Will be possible to add property "Transparent Color" for Transparency in the PNG Generation? 4- I noticed that the name of the images created for the buttons always use the same name and are created in the first request to the application and then used in all the remaining requests. Will be possible to use the same name of the button, and put a property in the Main Server Module to specify that do no delete the images??? In this case I can make PNG images by myself with the adecuate transparency. Best regards, Dionel Acosta
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