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Everything posted by gschoon

  1. Thanks, this works. Is there an overview how to approach all of the component-parts? Best regards
  2. How can I change the background-color of the unimList (in CSS)? This is the color when no items are shown. In the sencha-touch theme it has the value $EEEEEE. In all other themes it is transparent.
  3. How can I start the GMap component in "Streetview" mode?
  4. gschoon


    What does the UnimaskText do in the Inputmask of an Editcomponent. Is there an instruction how to use the InputMask
  5. How can I change the colors of TUnimNestedList?
  6. I try to make my own colered buttons (TUniSpeedButton). The normal and hover colors are OK, but the active color not. My CustomCSS looks like this: .btnMenu {border-radius:5px; background-color: rgb(211,235,225) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(142,28,36); } .btnMenu:hover {background-color: rgb(168,215,194) !important; } .btnMenu:active {background-color: rgb(131,199,170) !important; } Mainform.OnCreate: btnNieuws.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['afterrender']:= 'function afterrender(sender, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.addCls('#39'btnMenu'#39') ;'#13#10'}';
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