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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. I think the best way is t use API service, maybe Isalmicfinder.org
  2. To enable App access to your Gmail you must enable 2FA first and sender address must be the same as your gmail address. @Fred Montier Great, Thank you
  3. What is the purpose exactly? it's not clear what you want to achieve. Don't forget the case when you have a callback procedure in parent form.
  4. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14999-building-mobile-drawer-floating-menu-using-unigui/
  5. In this video you will learn how to create a beautiful mobile drawer (floating menu) using Unigui, we will use client-side code, animation and CSS.
  6. Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { target: c.getEl(),//your element html: 'Refresh'//<-- custom html }); In some cases I use this code.
  7. Is the combo regular unicombo or a an editor for table cell?
  8. Well I started with Unigui at 2012 (almost 9 years ago) It took me a while to understand how it works and especially how to mix Ext code with Unigui, I spent a lot of time in the Extjs API documentation and read a lot of books about Sencha Extjs and posted a lot of question in their forum and in Stackoverflow and in most cases I answered my self :-). Unigui is great and amazing framework that's nothing else can come even close to it. Always there is a first time, In my projects I don't retype css or client-side code I just copy & paste and modify as necessary.
  9. mhmda

    HBox and Flex

    Don't use alTop and alBottom
  10. Of course I'm just mixing all kind of videos :-) Stay tuned...
  11. Here you go: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14973-building-mobile-login-screen-using-unigui/
  12. Actually I created the video today after my work
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