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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. It's not a good solution, try use websockets it's the perfect solution for you: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/16276-make-your-app-a-real-time-web-app-using-websockets/
  2. Here you go: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/16317-how-to-use-xtemplate-inside-dbgrid/
  3. In this video you will learn how to use Xtemplate inside DBGrid to display custom HTML template. You will learn two methods to do that, first: using Xtemplate along with tpl property of the column and second: using the column renderer function.
  4. We already use websocket along with Unigui DLL (IIS Server) - Hyperserver and we have ~120 connections and it working just fine.
  5. Here you go: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/16276-make-your-app-a-real-time-web-app-using-websockets/
  6. Do have an image or sketch?
  7. Here is a video tutorial for making your Unigui WebApp a Real-Time application, it makes your app more powerful and it's ready for: real-time monitor, chat, control... Attached: 2 projects (webapp + websocket server app), mysql db. Have fun 🙂
  8. Web Sockets will be perfect solution for you. We already use this tech. in our web app for chat. I'll see if there is spare time for creating a video tutorial for Unigui + WebScokets (real time app) 🙂
  9. What exactly you want to do, please explain, maybe there is a better way to solve your issue?
  10. Delphi: Pass function as object to Frame and call it when you need Client-side: use ajax, for example: ajaxRequest(MainForm.window, 'test',[id=1]);
  11. You can use Xtemplate, you may refer to my mobile listview with action button video tutorial.
  12. You can use a client side code (I didn't test it). ClientEvents->ExtEvents->(added event): function added(sender, container, index, eOpts) { sender.store.setGrouper({ groupFn: function (item) { return item.get('2')+ ' - '+ item.get('11'); }, sortProperty: '2' }); } Remember that Unigui uses the column index as the field name.
  13. You can use: Xtemplate (client-side code) see my video tutorial:
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