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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. Run the attached .sql file to create database and tables.
  2. السلام عليكم، هل من جديد؟
  3. Hello, Hope this will help you in any way :-) 1. Using Orgon family font for the grid. 2. Changing the row height. 3. Dynamically adding Toolbar to the grid. 4. Inserting controls from design time to the toolbar. 5. Column with password. 6. adding some controls the rows. 7. Filtering using the edit from design time (filter is done in client-side). Project: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/Unigui_GoPro.rar DB: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/gopro.sql
  4. mhmda

    Support for PDF

    Reporting is essential in development, I don't think that there a single project without reporting, so you might think of a professional and fast way to to it, reporting components: Fastreport, Quickreport....give you the power to do that (also when it comes to multilangual reports) you can't do it with drawing shapes and text it will be difficult.
  5. We already have many web apps run for years serving our clients built using Unigui, It is the fastest way to develop a wonderful STABLE web apps.
  6. You need a Windowd OS to run your app, We purchased a vps/dedicated server from contabo. For the quickest way to develop web apps: you are in right place :-)
  7. Great work ! Full OS App like + widgets. (a back-office for travel agency and tour operator).
  8. Hi, I uploaded it again: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/Jordan.rar
  9. http://3msoft.net/mhmd/memyselfandcart.rar I uploaded it again.
  10. Hello, 1. Use Aligment in Client side, DON'T use aligment in server side ! 2. Don't use the 'aligment' property (as classic vcl app.) 3. Don't use UnimFormScreenResize event, just waste of time 4. use Layouts to achieve responsive behavior If you need further help, you may cointact me in skype or whatsapp.
  11. Yes I am satisfied with their support. We have a several VPS and dedicated servers also.
  12. VPS mean shared resources with other users. We use contabo services for years and recently we purchased a dedicated server with 500 GB SSD and 4 TB secondary H.D we also purchased a RAID hardawre to backup primary SSD at real time in case of failure. We backup our customer data (DB & files) to FTP from contabo and we also backup data to Amazaon s3 account using CloudBerry application.
  13. You mean withougth highlighting the row? if so, you can do it using custom css.
  14. mhmda

    Aid moubarek

    كل عام والجميع بألف خير
  15. mhmda


    You can't use it like this, it's a css class name, add the class to the server,odule->customcss and then use the name.
  16. We already use that but using a client-side code, you may use Gid->ClientEvents->UniEvents->beforeInit: config.features=[{ ftype: 'rowbody', getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) { // Usually you would style the my-body-class in a CSS file return { rowBody: '<div style="padding: 1em">' + record.get("desc") + '</div>', rowBodyCls: "my-body-class" }; } }];
  17. We use DB for that misson in order to manage sessions in nodes.
  18. Operating system: it's a unigui application implementing the the desktop environment like (ubunto, windows...) Export (excel, word, html...) using FastReport. Html: using Htmlframe and linking it to server side using ajax events
  19. function IsValidEmail(const Value: string): Boolean; function CheckAllowed(const s: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result:= false; for i:= 1 to Length(s) do if not (s[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '-', '.']) then Exit; Result:= true; end; var i: Integer; NamePart, ServerPart: string; begin Result:= False; i:=Pos('@', Value); if i=0 then Exit; NamePart:=Copy(Value, 1, i-1); ServerPart:=Copy(Value, i+1, Length(Value)); if (Length(NamePart)=0) or ((Length(ServerPart)<5)) then Exit; i:=Pos('.', ServerPart); if (i=0) or (i>(Length(serverPart)-2)) then Exit; Result:= CheckAllowed(NamePart) and CheckAllowed(ServerPart); end;
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