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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. Well the exact answer is 'Web Application' and here some of what we built using unigui: - Accounting system - for SOHO. - Cellular Billing & CRM system - for enterprise companies. - Internal fraud detection system - for enterprise companies. - Website management system - Articles, adds... - Web advertising system (using js - no flash). - Tours operators and travel agencies Back Office system - SOHO and Enterprise (still under development).
  2. Hi, Don't forget to change 'AligmentControl' ---> uniAlignmentClient I use layout and it works.
  3. In server module --> Custome Meta --> add your link
  4. I prefer Query and use SQL query to filter data as you want...
  5. mhmda

    Client username

    Hi, I think you cannot do that due to security reasons, the browser will not allow such that activity, beside that why do you want to get the client 'computer name'? more info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2825221/how-to-get-computer-name-or-ip-from-javascript
  6. Hi, Use dev. tools from browser and check css class to change the color or to make it transparent.
  7. Hello, Here is another widget that I have created, you can use it in ungui app: code: $('#divBar').ProgressBar({ position:89, devide:5, title:'250 GB', caption:'Free', icon:'images/cpuu.png', bgcolor:'#f7f6f6', clrborder:'#d2d0d0', clrstart:'#72c926', clrend: '#87de38', tfntcolor:'#acacac', cfntcolor:'#fcb34d', animate:true }); Online test: Download project: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/ProgressBar.rar
  8. Try this: .custom-grid .x-panel-body-default { background-color: #e5e5e5 !important; } .custom-grid .x-box-inner { background-color: #666666 !important; } .custom-grid .x-grid-cell { background-color: #e5e5e5; border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2; border-left-color: #e5e5e5; color: #333333; height:32px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:12px !important; } .custom-grid .x-grid-with-col-lines .x-grid-cell { border-right-width: 0px !important; } .custom-grid .x-grid-row-over .x-grid-cell { background-color: #dad9d9; } .custom-grid .x-grid-row-selected .x-grid-cell { background-color: #cbcbcb !important; border-bottom-style: solid !important; border-top-style: solid !important; border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2; border-left-color: #e5e5e5; } .custom-grid .x-column-header-inner{ background-color: #666666 !important; color:#fff !important; font-size:12px !important; height:32px !important; padding-top:9px; } .custom-grid .x-column-header-over{ background-image:none !important; background-color: #817e7e !important; } .custom-grid .x-column-header { border-right: 0px; !important; } Result looks like this:
  9. Hello, Here another jquery widget that I have written recently: Code: $('#crcl1').CircleProgressIcon({ title:'Last login', caption:'15/10/2015', icon:'images/server.png', bgcolor:'#f7f7f7', tfntcolor:'#acacac', cfntcolor:'#c6c6c6', thik:5, shadow:1 }); You can test online here: You can download project from here: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/CircleIcon.rar
  10. Hello to all, [Edit]: code/project was improved and uploaded. Here is a jQuery widget with animation and fully customized and fully responsive that I have written recently: Works excellent when resizing the browser window ! Code: $('#newTasks').circleProgress({ title:'15', caption:'New tasks', bgcolor:'#e1dddd', fgcolor:'#54c0fd', tfntcolor:'#54c0fd', cfntcolor:'#b0aeae', animationstep:1, rotateanimationstep:0.4, total:100, value:30, mstyle:0, thik:25, shadow:1 }); You may test is online (for limited time): You can download project from here [port: 8076]: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/CircleProgress.rar
  11. For htmlframe use this: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4079-making-htmlframe-transparent/?hl=transparent
  12. Maybe this will help you: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4079-making-htmlframe-transparent/?hl=transparent
  13. Hi, You can use 1x1 px (semi/full transparent) png image, I had test it and it works fine: .trnsprnt { background-image: url("http://3msoft.net/trns.png") !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important } And on a panel or frame use (clientside events): function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addBodyCls('trnsprnt'); } If you want to change transparent % just change the .png transparent. I hope this help you...
  14. I think you need to understand CSS http://w3schools.com/css
  15. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5861-change-background-color-button/&do=findComment&comment=30082
  16. Hi, Instead you can build a native mobile app with a browser component and point the browser to your unigui url, I didn't test it, but I think it will work, believe me dealing with android studio is easier than dealing with cordova/phonegap.
  17. Hi, ExtEvents: function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addCls('bntLogin'); } CSS (servermodule): .bntLogin { background:#1892d1 !important; color:#fff !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; } .bntLogin:hover { background:#828282 !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out; } Hope this will help you...
  18. عيد مبارك للجميع، أعاده الله علينا بالخير واليمن والبركات كل عام وانتم بخير
  19. mhmda

    Chart is slow

    I agree with Farshad 100%
  20. Simple, hide the chart if it's empty.
  21. mhmda

    Chart is slow

    Hi, I have used unichart and the speed was OK. If you complain about speed please specify the point where it's slow, I mean the slow maybe come from server side because there is a lot of data manipulation to do, or the respond time is extremely slow, or the drawing of the series is slow (client side). When you know problem exactly then you can deal with it, I guess that the problem is with the data manipulation I mean it's very important to build the database (tables and fields) in the correct way (primary key and indexes- this is very important). Once we had a problem of executing a queries in MySQL the action took a long time (about 3 hours) - I talk here about 800,000 records per day, and after that we change the definition of the indexes in our tables and we managed to reduce the time to 27 minutes !!
  22. Hi, I think the best way to do that is by using UniHTMLFrame (this is what I use) and Inside the html put anything you want:
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