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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. This might help you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7323036/twitter-could-not-authenticate-with-oauth-401-error, It has nothing to do with Unigui it's native Delphi question
  2. See this: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7008-datepicker-multiselect/?hl=datepicker
  3. This might help you: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7008-datepicker-multiselect
  4. mhmda

    A good idea

    Good idea السؤال هل المختبرات ممكن تدفع مقابل هذا البرنامج، أعتقد يجب عمل دراسة ميدانية وسؤال أصحاب المختبرات أنفسهم فإذان كانت الاجابة "نعم" يتبقى السؤال: ما هو المبلغ الشهري أو السنوي الذي يمكنهم دفعه؟ فكرة جميلة
  5. please See if google calendar supports Persian dates.
  6. No it's just a label that I forgot to change
  7. We already have an application on production and our client wants some updates, when we run the project under the version of unigui the result is not good at all: OLD: New: Any suggestion? maybe using the old theme 'sencha-touch'?
  8. Farshad ones suggested to check spyware that might redirect the traffic to wrong destination, I had this issue ones and was because of spyware.
  9. hhhhhhhhhhhhh :-) I do it because I love Unigui/Extjs...
  10. Why Why? With unigui/extjs you can achieve what you want.
  11. Hi, Here is a project that use grid inside grid, I use the 'rowexpander' http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander to render another grid inside current row ! Online here: (for limit time) Project: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/grdgrd.rar (port 8019) mysql sql: http://3msoft.net/mhmd/school.sql I used the DataSetConverter4Delphi to convert dataset to json: https://github.com/ezequieljuliano/DataSetConverter4Delphi I hope this will help you in some way....
  12. mhmda

    UniGUI + PhoneGap

    We also use Android studio + Swift to deploy web app for google play and app store
  13. In extjs 4.2.5 it was woking fine. We need it in client side to work correctly.
  14. Too many calculation... You can use layouts for that. What do you want to do? Image if it possible.
  15. To send Email you can search google for that. For sms we already use a API Gateway and must purchase packages (1000 sms, 5000 sms...). Personally when using the mobile itself for sending a sms the mobile operator investigate the sms and check it's content has a commercial content and if so: you will get a warning or something worst :-( Here every subscriber has a stack of 5,000 sms but ONLY for personal use.
  16. Here is the solution, works as expected 1. In order to access frame in js you must assign a name: procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); var s:string; FrC : TUniFrameClass; Fr : TUniFrame; begin s:=AnsiUpperCase(UniApplication.Parameters.Values['ViewType']); if s=AnsiUpperCase('Test') then begin FrC := TUniFrameClass(FindClass('TframTest')); Fr := FrC.Create(Self); Fr.Name:='frmCanvas';{<---------------} Fr.Parent := Self; end; end; 2. Capture the 'resize' event of the Frame and send ajaxRequest to inform the server about the actual size by sending ajax to parent panel: 'UniPanel1': function resize(sender, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts) { console.log(frmCanvas.UniPanel1.getWidth()); ajaxRequest(frmCanvas.UniPanel1, 'updateCanvasSize', ['w='+frmCanvas.UniPanel1.getWidth(),'h='+frmCanvas.UniPanel1.getHeight()]); } 3. 'UniPanel1': 'AjaxEvent' procedure TframTest.UniPanel1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var w,h:integer; a:string; begin if EventName='updateCanvasSize' then begin a:=Params.Text; w:=StrToIntDef(Params.Values['w'],100);//the 100 is default in case of error h:=StrToIntDef(Params.Values['h'],100);//the 100 is default in case of error cnvCounter.Width:=w; cnvCounter.Height:=h; end; end; Take this in mind: you should remove the 'Div 2' in delphi code: X1:=Random(Width div 2); Y1:=Random(Height div 2); X2:=Random(Width div 2); Y2:=Random(Height div 2); If you leave the 'Div 2' the it will draw the shape only in half of actual size of the canvas.
  17. Hi, The the width & Height are the same as server side, you may pass them from the client-side to server-side and after that do your drawing, you can use the Delphi debugger and the browser console to see the difference of the size. And don't use 'alClient' with layouts.
  18. You can run my code directly in browser console. I already mentioned that in Extjs 6.x there is 'requires' section in app.js that you define what to load it and it is similar to the 'uses' in delphi. Is there any way to do that in unigui.
  19. I used it in a web service as RESTful API and it works the way like noSQL with mySQL. I didn't use it along with unigui. You can ask my friend http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/user/1329-mohammed-nasman/ he used it with unigui project. There is a good book about mormot: https://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Delphi-Databases-2nd-Elevate/dp/1542817544
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