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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. ...function (value, metadata, record)... You have the record parameter which points to the whole row, so you can display any field you want. record.get('0') holds the value of the field which belongs the first column. record.get('1') holds the value of the field which belongs the second column. record.get('2') holds the value of the field which belongs the third column. ..... Regardless the name of the field in server side, Unigui always translated the field names to: '0','1','2','3','4'...
  2. Google Translate: selam 1- Bu sorun, Unigui'nin e-postaya dosya eklemenin klasik yolunu kullanmasıyla ilgili değildir. 2-Tamam. 3- Sunucu tarafında seçiminizi, js kodu kullanarak istemci tarafını kullanarak YEDEK VEYA klasik yolunu kullanarak yapabilirsiniz. Daha fazla yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa bana özel mesaj gönderebilirsiniz (PM).
  3. Here is quick example: UniDBGrid->Ext Events->ViewReady Event: function viewready(sender, eOpts) { sender.getColumns()[0].renderer = function (value, metadata, record) { myToolTipText = "<table class='tblRecGridRowToolTip'>"+ "<tr class='tdToolTip'>"+ "<td class='tblRecGridRowToolTipTitle'>Reference:</td>"+ "<td class='tblRecGridRowToolTipValue'>5006247</td>"+ "</tr>"+ "<tr class='tdToolTip'>"+ "<td class='tblRecGridRowToolTipTitle'>Debit account:</td>"+ "<td class='tblRecGridRowToolTipValue'>Suppliers account</td>"+ "</tr>"+ "</table>"; metadata.tdAttr = 'data-qclass="dvQtip" data-qtip="' + myToolTipText + '"'; }; MainForm.UniDBGrid1.getView().refresh(); } You may use Xtemplate for you Tool-tip text and from 'record' variable you can extract the fields value.
  4. How Can I force the UniFormattedNumber in client side - getValue() return number NOT string, I don't want to use praseFloat.... I want to use maybe Ext.override.....
  5. The form is loaded first and after that there is an ajax call to fill the grid with dat. what do you mean by 'many grids and queries' maybe you should separate them in multiple frames/forms. a screenshot or image would help you much more
  6. I use 'metadata.tdAttr' at client side to display a custom hint:
  7. I use 'metadata.tdAttr' at client side to display a custom hint:
  8. I don't think that there is easy way... I use the same technique as above.
  9. use CSS class for that. http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.5.2/classic/Ext.form.field.ComboBox.html search for 'cls':
  10. Why do you use thread? the user session is already thread of unigui application. could you explain the logic or the idea of what you want to do.
  11. mhmda

    showmessage copy

    As DD said this is may cause by CSS role.
  12. Great theme, good work !!!!!!
  13. Sure, Use classic VCL way
  14. You may also try this: https://icons8.com/
  15. Well. I already subscribed to flaticon https://www.flaticon.com/ and I think it's good because you may download you icons in any format you want especially .svg (victor). they also have a collections manager. You also may use this http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons it includes about 4,000 icons
  16. CSS: vh And vw Units. https://web-design-weekly.com/2014/11/18/viewport-units-vw-vh-vmin-vmax/
  17. [HISPhilip] Welcome aboard....
  18. 1. Panel->Tools or toolbar (for now we do it in client-side) - dockedItems 2. Grid->Tools or toolbar (for now we do it in client-side) - dockedItems 3. Min-width for all components that accept flex (columns also) 4. Min-height for all components that accept flex (columns also) 5. Max-width for all components that accept flex (columns also) 6. Max-height for all components that accept flex (columns also) 7. layout: { overflowHandler: 'Scroller' } For toolbar/panel 8. cls,bodyCls,componentCls for all componenets 9. Column->Clientevents 10. Scale for Icon size: small, medium, large.
  19. config.itemTpl= new Ext.XTemplate( '<table>'+ '<tr>'+ '<td>{[this.displayDate(values)]}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '</table>', { displayDate: function(values) { return Ext.Date.format(values[3],'d-m-Y'); } } ); Not tested :-)
  20. Here is another Screenshot from the project...
  21. The project that we use this technique in is not yet released...
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