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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. Why would someone change that, it depends on the theme settings, you may hide it or you may change the column's background color.
  2. The easy way is to put button next to the edit with glyphe and make the border radius 0 in left side, and that will work in any theme
  3. Here we design a login form with semi-transparent background color, and the whole page has a random background-image that changed every time user do a login and we add a particles animation to give the page some life :-) and we also added a combobox to give the user the ability to choose a theme. Here a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyTsg9_CY-Y
  4. Hi, It is google translate.....
  5. Mohammed Nasman worked on the Back-End ohammad worked on the Front-End
  6. In 4 languages: English, Turkish, Arabic and Hebrew.
  7. I can't recall but I think you have to assign a name for the component.
  8. Hi, Unimpanel with unimcheckbox
  9. رمضان كريم، أعاده الله علينا باليمن والخير والبركات
  10. For order & delivery app.
  11. Last build, windowd 10 64, Delphi 10.2.1 , it appears in all themes, I mean the UP/DOWN buttons.
  12. I have a dbgrid with several columns and when I double click on cell that have number I got these 'plus', 'minus' buttons, you can simply open any dbgrid example and take a column with numbers and try to edit cell with double click and see, I don't use row editor.
  13. How can I hide the 'plus' 'minus' buttons when editing an integer field. I use the ubuntu theme.
  14. This is how you can make the Login Form transparent: 1. Add this css to Server Module-> Custom css: .frmLogin .x-window-body { background-color: transparent !important; } 2. Make the form color in design time to 'clNone'. 3. Form Login->ClientEvents->UniEvents->BeforeInit: function window.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.baseCls='frmLogin'; } It will make totally transparent with no border, only controls will appear. I use Extjs 6.5
  15. It will rotate only 'UniImage1' or what you want.
  16. If I understand you correctly you want to put an image in specific column or any other control if so you have 3 solutions: 1. Server-side-> Field->onGetText 2. Client-side->Store->load->modify the column as you want. 3. Client-side->grid->viewready->customize the output for specific column.
  17. I fixed the online demo. The project download works OK.
  18. We use TMS FlexCel https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/flexcel.asp to do that and it works great :-)
  19. This may help you: $(MainForm.UniImage1.el.dom).css({ "-webkit-transform": "rotate(90deg)", "-moz-transform": "rotate(90deg)", "transform": "rotate(90deg)" });
  20. Hi, You are mixing a lot of things: html, .js code, .js files, css all in same place !! You have to separate thing and put them in the right place. This may help you http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7934-animate-controls-using-greensock-gsap-library/?hl=gsap
  21. I think it's the same as for this forum.
  22. Hi, test case would be great :-) What browser do you use for testing? Do you mean the border when focusing??
  23. We do encrypt passwords using hash algorithm and when it comes to sensitive data we encrypt it using RSA (with salt), and we never had a problem at all with unigui.
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