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Everything posted by iyarar

  1. Harikasın Hayri, Döktürmüşsün yine
  2. Merhaba Ben aşağıdaki gibi kullanıyorum pdf export işlemlerinde ve şu ana kadar hiç sıkıntı yaşamadım LoadFromFile(FileName); PrepareReport(True); pdfFl:='servicelist_'+FormatDateTime('YYMMDDhhmmnnss',now)+'.pdf'; UniServerModule.frxPDFExport1.FileName :=UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+pdfFl; UniServerModule.frxReport.Export(UniServerModule.frxPDFExport1); s := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); Frm_ReportView.Fl:=s+pdfFl; Frm_ReportView.ShowModal;
  3. Thank you Mr. Farshad, IE and Firefox do not have any problem but the problem continues in chrome
  4. Hi Lema, i installed unigui and gmap v1.3.6 but gmap demos not show maps in my browser. When I get blank map I resize the form then show map. I think the problem stems from ExtJS because I remove Ext4.2.1.883 folder and install older version ext-4.1.1a then demo is working. what is a problem ? can you help me.
  5. Thank you Mr Farshad, I'll wait to add this feature
  6. Hi All, I want to ask the yes/no question onsessiontimeout event in mainmodule when session timeout. if user answer to yes I will increase extendtimeout value I tried to realize this process but i could not use form or dialog in mainmodule Waiting for your ideas about this topic Thanks!
  7. iyarar

    Map Dem

    see this topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2363-google-maps-for-unigui/?hl=unigmap
  8. Hi, Thanks for your advice. I prefer Flexcel . It's working perfect.
  9. Dear Hayri, which mode working your application? the real problem in this Excel:= CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); Cannot create excel ole.
  10. Hi, I am using the following code to export data to excel. But this code is working in vcl and standalone server mode, does not work in isapi mode. I need the code to work in ISAPI mode. Do you have any idea for help me ? var Excel, wSheet: Variant; i,j:integer; s,Fl:string; Begin If Myq_Report.RecordCount>0 Then Begin try Excel:= CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except Exit; end; Excel.Visible := False; Excel.Workbooks.Add; wSheet:= Excel.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1]; wSheet.Cells[2,1] := 'Company'; wSheet.Cells[2,1].Columns.ColumnWidth:=20; wSheet.Cells[2,2] := 'Date'; wSheet.Cells[2,2].Columns.ColumnWidth:=10; wSheet.Cells[2,3] := 'Time'; wSheet.Cells[2,3].Columns.ColumnWidth:=5; wSheet.Cells[1,1]:='SERVICE LIST'; wSheet.Rows[1].RowHeight := 20; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Size := 14; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color:=ClWhite; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Mergecells:=True; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Interior.ColorIndex:=16; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].HorizontalAlignment := -4108; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].VerticalAlignment := -4108; Fl:='servicelist_'+FormatDateTime('YYMMDDhhmmnnss',now)+'.xls'; wSheet.SaveAs(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+Fl); s := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); UniURLFrame1.URL := s+fl; Excel.quit; End; End;
  11. Hi, I am using the following code to export data to excel. But this code is working in vcl and standalone server mode, does not work in isapi mode. I need the code to work in ISAPI mode. Do you have any idea for help me ? var Excel, wSheet: Variant; i,j:integer; s,Fl:string; Begin If Myq_Report.RecordCount>0 Then Begin try Excel:= CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except Exit; end; Excel.Visible := False; Excel.Workbooks.Add; wSheet:= Excel.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1]; wSheet.Cells[2,1] := 'Company'; wSheet.Cells[2,1].Columns.ColumnWidth:=20; wSheet.Cells[2,2] := 'Date'; wSheet.Cells[2,2].Columns.ColumnWidth:=10; wSheet.Cells[2,3] := 'Time'; wSheet.Cells[2,3].Columns.ColumnWidth:=5; wSheet.Cells[1,1]:='SERVICE LIST'; wSheet.Rows[1].RowHeight := 20; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Size := 14; wSheet.Rows[1].Font.Color:=ClWhite; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Mergecells:=True; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].Interior.ColorIndex:=16; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].HorizontalAlignment := -4108; wSheet.Range['A1:R1'].VerticalAlignment := -4108; Fl:='servicelist_'+FormatDateTime('YYMMDDhhmmnnss',now)+'.xls'; wSheet.SaveAs(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+Fl); s := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL; s := StringReplace(s,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]); UniURLFrame1.URL := s+fl; Excel.quit; End; End;
  12. Merhaba Fershad Bey, Öncelikle delphi dünyasına unigui gibi bir ürün kazandırdığınız için sizlere teşekkürlerimi sunarım. Ben uni gui ile ilgili yaklaşık 2 aydır bir proje geliştirmekteyim şuan projeyi test yayınına almış bulunmaktayım. Fakat sistemi ISAOI olarak apache web server üzerinde çalıştırmaktayım. Bunun nedeni ise daha önceden php ile geliştirdiğim bir api nin mevcut olması. Sıkıntım apache belli bir süre sonra durmakta. Loglarda ConciergeWeb: 00004EA0: 10:50:33 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\xampp\htdocs\concierge\ext-4.1.1a\src\AbstractPlugin.js ConciergeWeb: 00001CC0: 08:04:45 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\xampp\htdocs\concierge\ext-4.1.1a\locale\ext-lang-en,tr;q=0.8.js gibi dosya bulunamadı kayıtları mevcut. bu neden kaynaklanmaktadır acaba ? Saygılarımla,
  13. Hayri Bey bu güzel paylaşım için teşekkürler emeğinize sağlık
  14. Merhaba Abdullah Bey, button ekelemeyi denemedim fakat dblookupcombobox eklenebiliyor bu işlemi yapabilmek için 1 adet hiddenpanel koyun forma ve hidden panel içine de db gridde kullanmak istediğiniz nesneleri ekleyin. http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/gedit.dll demosu işinize yarayacağını düşünüyorum.
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