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Everything posted by drdavinci

  1. We use datasnap in our project as REST server(Datasnap) + WEB (uniGui) Also REST server(Datasnap)+Mobile Application. main project (HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM) is desktop application based on Client / server (Delphi/Oracle) over 20 years. We add new project that web+mobile based on DATASNAP. we are satisfied about performance,it is also robust and scaleable. You can check on demo server in multi language ( Also check mobile application that connect same server( on demo. You can download mobile application on google play and apple app store that search meddata HIS.
  2. demo is not working. how can we reach?
  3. hi, I test touch component, But Edit box, label height is very high. I try to set 24 but it change to 44 on mobile tablet or phone. it is not problem on phone but it is very high on tablet. How can I scale the component size.
  4. hi, 1.I received connection error communication failure on ISS. I use last version under licence. what can I do? Normaly , application starts normally, But after 5-10 minuustes, it give rise this error at any place. After this error, ISS was crashed and not restarted normalll. 2.How can I install 64 bit version? best regards.
  5. hi, I created TuniDBRadioGroup from TuniRadioGroup. But I received error at "Buttons[itemIndex].Focused". it is defined as property of TCustomRadioGroup in extctrl.pas I think, it is not defined in TuniRadioGroup. How Can I correct? bets regards. procedure TuniDBRadioGroup.SetValue(const Value: string); var WasFocused: Boolean; I, Index: Integer; begin if FValue <> Value then begin FInSetValue := True; try WasFocused := (ItemIndex > -1) and (Buttons[itemIndex].Focused); Index := -1; for I := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do if Value = GetButtonValue(I) then begin Index := I; Break; end; ItemIndex := Index; // Move the focus rect along with the selected index if WasFocused and (ItemIndex <> -1) then Buttons[itemIndex].SetFocus; finally FInSetValue := False; end; FValue := Value; Change; end; end; UniDBRadioGroup.rar
  6. drdavinci


    hi, I use dbrichedit box in my project. How can I transfer to unigui. tunidbmemo is fail, because it works as normal dbmemo. result is like i tunidbmemo {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1254\deff0\deflang1055{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset162 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs16 sdasdsadas\par asdasldas\par adasdkls\'fealdasd\par asdkma\par }
  7. hi, I install unigui on XE. everthing is fine. But I remove and reinstall components for some reasons. in this case, uniqui vcl is ok but there is no unigui item under create new project/other. How can I repair this condition except reinstallation. best regards
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