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  1. Although check above solution again. It seems to work as you wanted.
    1 point
  2. Hello. My wrong phrase, it's not "too many..". Nothing abnormal. It's just the normal behavior of one Event on every grid moving (scrolling). But in my case, I need the less network traffic and best optimization, so I disabled the events with your approach. The question is, how can I get the underlying db record without syncing? Is there any workaround to get the appropriate fields (e.g. ID) from grid itself? Edit: I am using v. Complete
    1 point
  3. Hi, We still having this issue, we followed Session List demo and we tried with or without s.Lock; To detail, we're using a UniThreadTimer for each 10 seconds get all sessions from each Node in HyperServer mode to get all sessions info and handle active sessions for licensing purposes, but we're getting a lot of access violations reported in exceptions log when SessionManager.Sessions.ExportSessionsList.Text cannot take sessions info. Userstring is set to "could not lock session" when this error is raisen @Sherzod do you have any clue about that? We're concerned to put our licensing system in production and face some lag or system locks
    1 point
  4. I think that is better to use a client side approach like this
    1 point
  5. you could use the inputmask property to limit the valid input characters ...
    1 point
  6. Hi! procedure TMainForm.UniEdit2Change(Sender: TObject); function MyCif(s: string): Boolean; begin if (s = '0') or (s = '1') or (s = '2') or (s = '3') or (s = '4') or (s = '5') or (s = '6') or (s = '7') or (s = '8') or (s = '9') then Result := True else Result := False; end; begin if not MyCif(Copy(UniEdit2.Text, Length(UniEdit2.Text), 1)) then UniEdit2.Text := Copy(UniEdit2.Text, 1, Length(UniEdit2.Text) - 1); end;
    1 point
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