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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in all areas

  1. Hello people... This is the long-awaited and sought-after example of voice recognition. An important warning: IT ONLY WORKS ON CHROME! It's not that I'm a fan of Google or Chrome but technology is only available in this browser. This application is also on sale with more resources and documentation and without any dependence on the HTML home page using only uniGUI resources. Contact me if you are interested via Telegram: https://t.me/fredmontier or Whatsapp + 55-11-98620-7676 However, the source code is here and you can adapt it according to your needs and goals. Totally functional ! Instruction: 1- Open your page in CHROME. Will work in any other browser. 2- Select you language and/or dialect 3- Say whatever you want to say. It will recognize your voice and convert to text. Also, shows how to import the result to uniGUI memo and ALSO how to have live feed of what is being said in uniGUI memo control. Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy ! You can use these phrases to add punctuation to your text: Period Comma Exclamation point Question mark New line New paragraph Notes: Punctuation works in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian. In Spanish, punctuation at the beginning of the sentence, like ¡ or ¿, must be typed. unigui.com.br-speechrecognition.rar
    1 point
  2. Hello Rafael, Is not a good idea use a function for that purpose (using a anonymous procedure inside). Maybe you can try this alternative method: procedure TDmPrincipal.AskIntervaloData(pQtdeDias: Integer); var V: TIntervaloData; begin if pQtdeDias > 0 then begin V.dtIni := date - pQtdeDias; V.dtFin := date; V.pExtenso := 'De: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtIni) + ' a ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtFin); RetornaIntervaloData(V); end else begin FrmIntervaloData.ShowModal( procedure(Sender: TComponent; Result: Integer) begin V.dtIni := FrmIntervaloData.dtInicial.DateTime; V.dtIni := FrmIntervaloData.dtInicial.DateTime; V.pExtenso := 'De: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', V.dtIni) + ' a ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', V.dtFin); RetornaIntervaloData(V); end); end; end; procedure TDmPrincipal.RetornaIntervaloData(Value: TIntervaloData); begin ShowMessage(Value.pExtenso); ... end;
    1 point
  3. Hello Nadya, Can you try this approach?: ... if ID > 0 then begin grdStructure.JSInterface.JSCall('getSelectionModel().deselectAll', []); if cdsStructure.Locate('ID', ID, []) then begin grdStructure.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.loadlistener=()=> {'#1'._locate('+ ID.ToString +'); '#1'.store.removeListener("load", '#1'.loadlistener)};'#1'.store.addListener("load", '#1'.loadlistener);'); //grdStructure.JSInterface.JSCallDefer('_locate', [ID], 500); //grdStructure.JSInterface.JSCall('expandSelectedNode', []); //grdStructure.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.defer(function(){'#1'.ensureVisible('#1'.getSelection()[0])}, 200);'); end; end else ...
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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