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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/19 in all areas

  1. We already use that but using a client-side code, you may use Gid->ClientEvents->UniEvents->beforeInit: config.features=[{ ftype: 'rowbody', getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) { // Usually you would style the my-body-class in a CSS file return { rowBody: '<div style="padding: 1em">' + record.get("desc") + '</div>', rowBodyCls: "my-body-class" }; } }];
    1 point
  2. Code to Pascal, good luck! UniCalendarioPanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['eventsrendered'] := 'function (sender, eOpts)' + '{ var curView = sender;' + ' var evtElements = Ext.select(''.ext-cal-evt'', true);' + ' if (evtElements)' + ' {' + ' Ext.each(evtElements.elements, function(eachEl) {' + ' var evtId = curView.getEventIdFromEl(eachEl);' + ' var rec = sender.getEventRecord(evtId);' + ' if (!Ext.isEmpty(rec)) {' + ' if (!Ext.isEmpty(evtId)){' + ' var pop_content = "<div id=''popup-data''><p><b>Detalles: </b>" +rec.data.Notes.replace(/\n/g, "<br />")+"</p></div>";' + ' new Ext.ToolTip({' + ' target: eachEl' + ' ,title: rec.data.Title' + // ' ,dismissDelay: 2000 // auto hide after 2 seconds' + // ' ,anchor: ''top''' + // ' ,anchorOffset: 85' + ' ,trackMouse: true' + ' ,html: pop_content' + ' }); ' + ' }' + ' }' + ' }, this);' + ' }' + '}';
    1 point
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