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Feature Requests forum guidelines

Farshad Mohajeri

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This forum is dedicated to log and discuss new feature requests from developers.


Here are the guidelines to post in this forum:


  1.  Make sure topic of your post is self-describing and related to requested feature.
  2.  Make a clear description of new feature.
  3.  Make sure that same request hasn't been posted or logged before. (Use search facility to find out)
  4.  Add links, screen shots and / or sample codes where applicable.
  5.  If there are demos or samples in Sencha or other web sites put a link to related page.
  6.  Do not mix several requests in one forum post. Open a separate topic for each request. Though you can gather several requests for one Component under a single post.




Farshad Mohajeri


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  • 3 years later...


this forum is a big source of useful informations for the developer,  that can substitute a user manual and a wiki too.

But it lack an important feature which is the possibility for users to BOOKMARK  the Topics of more interest !


In this way each user can build his own "wiki" with important arguments in which is interested, without waste time

for almost the same search.

I found this feature in RemObjects forum and it's very useful.




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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Do we have a preview of responsive design feature as Zemorango asked? Indeed, it´s possible someday we use layouts as Bootstrap way? I have many clients with this feature asking... Do this with unigui and delphi really will change our life... i need use c# .net through VS only because oh this reason.

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